My nan's Funeral

by Es 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    was yesterday. It went reasonably ok, I didnt make any effort to speak to my parents instead I went and chatted to other family members I havnt seen in years. I also had hubby's mum and dad there too for support. My mum came up to me and hugged me, my dad on the other hand hardly came near me did not say hello or goodbye, only to tell me there was a viewing if I wanted to see nan again.

    But what do you expect when there was a group of JW's standing there watching my every move its funny my other nan was told it was a private funeral and so she didnt attend and here were this group of JW's Im sure none of which had even met my nan standing there.

    We sat in the row behind my parents and druing the service my mum leant back and grabbed my hand and held it for about 5 mins, it was the most physical contact I have had off her for over two years.

    I updated my cousins and aunt and uncle what was going on as they had had no idea, other than the obvious shunning at the funeral.

    My brother and his wife was a no show which we thought odd.

    This was the first funeral I wore pants too, I was a little worried about how mortified my folks would be and then low and behold a JW sister turns up decked out in all black and wearing pants!!!! It was great

    I got to grieve and say goodbye to my beautiful nan

    Thanks for reading


  • RisingEagle

    I am so sorry for your loss of your nan. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth that you weren't treated better throughout this time. You deserve so much more from your family during your mourning.

    My sincere condolences,


  • OnTheWayOut
    You deserve so much more from your family during your mourning.

    Agreed. May you find comfort elsewhere. Sincere condolences.

  • Es

    Thank you so much for your support and kindess.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    You've been through a lot in the past 10 days Es.... just take some time for yourself ... let yourself feel what you will feel. That what we call 'death' is but a doorway that we all must pass through one day, but for now, "life" goes on for you and yours.

    Take care....


  • worldtraveller

    Sounds like 2 people at peace now.

  • helncon

    So sorry for your loss ES....

    But i am glad that your mum reached out to you and i hope you both are able to have more time together.


  • quietlyleaving

    my condolences

    I'm so glad your mum reached out to you.

  • Es

    Thank you all, yeah Im glad she did too, I was crying at that stage and cried more just because she reached out and touched me. For us its such a normal thing to do but for her it was a brave move to touch her D\F daughter in front of elders and other JW

  • Gopher


    Condolences for the loss of your Nan. I lost my grandmother last year and had to sit through a JW funeral, which made things even sadder because they hardly even acknowledged her while giving their "our hope for the dead" sermon.

    I trust as time passes you will always remember happy days with her, and have good stories to pass on to your child/children in future years. Hopefully your mom will keep the door of her heart open to you, even just a little crack for now would be good!

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