Some question about the dubs

by cultswatter 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    I've been out of the dubs for 21 years so I need some info

    a) When did the WTS reduce the publisher time requirement to 15 minutes per month and what was the minimum time before the change?

    b) When a JW gets over 15 min/month do the elders send the society a publisher card? and if the publisher becomes inactive, do the elders sent a deactivation card to the society?

    c) Was it subliminally suggested that the year 2005 was a possible date for armagedon?

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I don't remember when they made the change.

    From what I can recall it doesn't apply to the average publisher.

    It applies in extenuating circumstances.

  • cultswatter

    I don't know if it depends upon the circumstances or not. My take is that 15 minutes is the minimal requirement to maintain publisher status. Of course you have varying degrees of publishers .I think that the pioneers are required to put in a minimum of 90 hours per month and the auxillary pioneers have a 60 hour per month minimum. The average Jo Blow non pioneer publisher has a minimum of 15 minutes per month. The WTS only wants to keep the publisher numbers inflated and besides that, one of the criteria of being a JW is to be a publisher. I mean what the hell good are you if you don't flog the societys books and magazines??

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    c) I try to answer this one! There was a WT in 2004 suggesting that we were in the 90 years of preaching work just like when Noah went into the Ark. 1914 + 90years= 2004

    Noahs started building the Ark and it took him 120 years of preaching about the flood, people did not pay attention, so 120-90 our days of preaching= 30 years left for modernd day preaching work. Are you glad we are into the 90 years of preaching? 2004 + 30= 2034. However they did not come out and say armageddon is coming in 2034, one could use inferences. They just said are you glad we are into 90 years of preaching just like Noah's days! We can all do the math and assume like Noah's days when the flood came after the 120 years of his preaching and building the Ark, so will it be for the Jehovahs Witness after 120 years of preaching and warning of Jesus Christ invisible prsences, Armageddon time in 2034!

    I believe it was a WT in 2004 if not then 2005 I forgot the date! Goes to show you how important it was! for me. :-)

  • Gopher

    The first time news about the 15-minute minimum reached this discussion board was late 2001.

    Here is the thread:

    It appears that this arrangement is only for the elderly and infirm. I would guess it'd have to be done with the knowledge and consent of the elders.

    Deactivations are not individually reported to the WT Society, as far as I know. The publisher records are reviewed by the circuit overseer during his semi-annual visit, and he discusses those who are inactive or irregular with the elders. I think the numbers are only reported "as a whole" to the Society on the circuit overseer's report. The Society does not have the capacity to track every individual publisher (though they do track the appointed people like elders, ministerial servants and pioneers).

    I had never heard a suggestion that the year 2005 was specifically mentioned or suggested as an end date.

  • cultswatter


    Thanks I never knew that! What about the 30 years that it would take adam to name the animals? the math is 1975 + 30 =2005

  • OnTheWayOut
    What about the 30 years that it would take adam to name the animals? the math is 1975 + 30 =2005

    I don't know where, but I have heard "as much as 30 years to name the animals."

    He might have delayed getting started. After naming the animals, Jehovah might
    have let him think about his loneliness for a few years before creating Eve.

    Regardless, I never heard anything in 2005 or before about it. But now that you say this,
    the end must truly be "right around the next corner."

  • cultswatter

    The strange thing about subliminal suggestion is that the suggestion is transferrred from host to victim more forcefully. It really does not matter what the suggestion is as long as the target audience unconsciously realizes the logic of the subliminal suggestion. Before you know it, the intended victim of the suggestion is now as sure as hell about doctrine that was never explicitly stated.

    The WTS does not want a repeat of the 1925 end of world prediction failure when more than 70,000 witnesses(bible students ) left in 1927/1928 .The WTS has numerous subliminally suggested end dates which seem to prevent a drastic decline in numbers. Presently these subliminal dates have all seem to run out. 2034 might be the final subliminal date. Regardless, we will see how the power of the internet drops their numbers.

  • WTWizard

    Here are some more up-to-date (1999) figures: The requirement for the average publisher is still one full hour, except for those who are infirm or elderly and cannot get a whole hour in. Those people can report in quarter-hour increments and still be regular publishers. Everyone that they feel could turn in a full hour is still expected to do so, and will be hounded and harassed unless they can get substantially more than that.

    Sometime about 1999, they lowered the nominal requirements for auxiliary and regular pioneers. At that time, they lowered regular pioneer hours from 1,000 for the year to 840 per year (that translates to 70 hours a month). The original 1,000 hours a year translates to 83 1/3 hours per month, though many used 90 hours to inflate the requirements and so they could take it easy in summer. Auxiliary pioneers were reduced from 60 hours a month to 50. Time will tell what will happen to those numbers once the Kool-Aid Puketowers start coming out.

    A side note. Back in the early 1940s, they were saying how special pioneers needed to get 175 hours a month. Regular pioneers needed 150, and they expected the average publisher to get in 60 hours a month. They also required 12 backcalls per publisher and 50 per special pioneer (the regular pioneers were to get as many backcalls as they could handle). Anyone with original literature from that period can attest to it, as can anyone who was a Witless or had parents who were Witlesses during that period. The major issue is that, if they did it then, what's to stop them from doing it again once the Puketower starts its Kool-Aid edition? Nothing.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    And don't forget how the end would occur in this century. (20th). I remember one brother spouting off about 2005 because it would be logical the Eve was created once Adam was a man of 30. No scriptural proof of course.

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