Am I Outta Line?

by ESTEE 20 Replies latest jw friends


    The dance studio where Mr. ESTEE and I have been attending has an out-of-balance ratio of women to men. Two men and eight ladies on Saturday. During the lessons, we all rotate so that everyone has a chance to practice. But when general dancing begins the six ladies with no partners are foaming at the mouth for a piece of my man --- well, any man. The single ladies attempt to monopolize the gentlemen, without regard/respect for a couple. Like, after one dance, they grab the guy who they just danced with while still on the dance floor and say, "Let's do another dance!" I try to be gracious and understanding because I understand the love of dance. I won't make a scene, but when I'm feeling insecure like I felt on Saturday, I just want some private time with Mr. ESTEE.

    Am I outta line?

    Once I got outta my funk, Mr. ESTEE invited me to dinner and dancing on Sunday night to a place where we like to go --- to be alone with each other.

    We are looking around for a different studio where there is a better ratio of men to women. Wish us luck!

    Any other ideas?

    hugs to all


  • BrentR

    I am sure Mr Estee is enjoying the attention.

  • Scully

    Buy Mr ESTEE a t-shirt that says OWNED on it and make him wear it to dance class.

  • nvrgnbk

    Sounds like you got a good man there, ESTEE.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It seems standard that no group gets it perfect in balance and rotating is done. It is also standard
    that some will get excited to dance more with a live partner after the lesson or song is over.

    I don't think it's a big deal. Still, you have an aweful lot of ladies there. I was at a group lesson that
    was heavy with males. I recommend ignoring the problem until you find a better place or get a better
    balance there. Tell him you want some more private dancing on your own time.


    You should not be expected to share your man with that many women. Period. They should bring a partner, they must have a friend who would love it.

    BTW- sounds like Mr. ESTEE is a keeper.

  • Scully

    Well, since it is a class, I would think that the instructor bears some responsibility in this too.

    Did you sign up for the class knowing that singles would be part of the class and would expect you to "share" your partner?

    If the class was advertised as one for "couples", I would think that implies that people are expected to come with their own partner, and you all can rotate with others' partners. It's just not fair for six other women to glom on to your guy and make you sit out on a class that you've paid for. You aren't getting your money's worth if you end up sitting out while the other unpartnered students take advantage of your's and Mr. ESTEE's kindness.

    I would talk to the instructor and see if there are any couples only classes that you can transfer into.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Buy Mr ESTEE a t-shirt that says OWNED on it and make him wear it to dance class.

    No self respecting man would bow to such treatment. Heck, you might as well urinate on him to claim him.

  • BrentR

    Amen to that!!!

  • Carmel

    go to AA. The ratio will reverse..... carmel

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