Today I went to the Farmer's Market to sell my bread, cinnamon rolls, cookies, canned jellies and mustard and goat milk soap an fudge. This lady comes up and starts raving about how good my bread looks. I use all natural ingredients and it is good bread but I was really starting to feel like a piece of toast. She said she had to go get some money from her daughter and came back to say that they didn't have any money with them but would be back next week. I told her I would take a check and she said she was from out of town and I said "The bank will cash it." So she picks out what bread she wanted leaves, comes back again and give me a check. She showed me where she was from Eden NY and I wondered what she was getting at. She said that's was paradise. I shook my head in agreement and out comes the watchtower with two handwritten notes on it. she wanted to give it to me, mind you with a line full of customers behind her. I could feel my face burning at the sight of the rag and told her very directly "That magazine would be better off in someone else's hands" She quickly walked away without the bread and hubby had to run after her to give it to her. What a fiasco. I wished I would of said "That wouldn't be safe in my hands" because it really wouldn't be better off in someone else's hands. But I guess I was saying that indirectly. I'm so thankful for all the support I have here as I know I'm not the only one that feels this way.
Watchtower offer at the Farmer's Market
by V1710 13 Replies latest jw experiences
Great story! I've done the same when my mother in law hands me watchtowers. Once she handed me the one talking about the end of false religion. I told her i didn't have one at the time so i didn't need this. Another time she blatantly handed one to my husband open to a page that read "when a loved one leaves Jehovah". my younger sister in law got upset and said that she hated it when she did things like that. That my husband was a grown man and knew what he needed to to with his life. She said this because my inlaw did to where everyone there would see HER good deed. I could really learn to hate them. I didn't used to have that ability. I hope to never have it that readily. Good hearing your story.
Does anyone have a Bazooka that could take out a publishing plant?
Good responses, both of you. I would probably be to shocked to think of anything to say.
I wish you had kept your bread....50'/50 shot that check will cash.
Sounds as if you work very hard for your money. Who shows up without cash to pay for stuff at a farmers market.? I know my husband and I always go with plenty of cash to buy the great fruits and veggies available. Never in a million years would I consider asking someone to accept a check.
PS.....I also buy orchids at our local Farmers market.
The nerve of putting you in that position!
I've actually found that many are moochers!!!
yes, that sounds like a sad attempt at mooching - and I wonder if the check will bounce. cynical me.
There's nothing like taking half an hour of time while there is a line of other customers behind them to force you to take the Puketowers and accept the study. They will not leave until you agree to the study, and they don't care how much business you lose on their account. Either take the damn study now, or we'll hold you up and keep the line held up even longer (and hope many people walk out).
I hope that the farmers' market administrators start wising up to that trick. If a "customer" is trying to sell the vendor something and uses this tactic to hold up the line, then the customer/salesperson ought to be removed from the line and other customers served around them. This way, they will not be able to disrupt peoples' livelihoods and regular customers trying to sell them scams. This is especially true with Jehovah's Witlesses who will try anything to force someone to join them.
wha happened?
The check thing doesn't surprise me. In fact, I suppose it was a test to see what sort of person u are. Had u offered to give it to her on her word she would come back the next week with cash, she could have used the opportunity to "prove" how trustworthy JW's are when she returned the next week with the money. As far as moochers are concerned, I wish I had a dollar back for all the JW's who have mooched off me over the years. I've excluded thieves to keep the list smaller.