A former assembly Hall overseer

by parlay 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    I just figure if somebody throws me out of the club, or I get fired from the job I move on.

    Its hard for me to believe that they would disfelloship him for no good reason and that he keeps begging to get back in and they dont let him.

    Its a very sad sick story.

    But I've heard fact can be stranger than fiction.

  • oompa

    I have known a bad egg elder who tried 9 years of begging to get back in before he was our gool ol bro again.

    Borg: Why would he want to be re-instated after that kind of treatment?

    No doubt this is all he has ever known. All family, all friends are borg. At his age most cant imagine life without them. Since this was more of an attitude problem, he probably still believes everything.

    waiting for the rapture...oompa

  • lawrence

    Ted will get his. 3 Santeria priestesses have put curses on the bastard in Miami, 2 Jan Kunu priests have put curses on the rat bastard in Belize, and 4 followers of Obeyah have his hair and clothes, and have bestowed every form of evil on this demon of a man. Ted will get his. Oh yeah, Ted will get his. Lurkers, let the pig bastard know, he will get his.

  • journey-on
    And we have $$$ because the brothers give us $$$$."

    Of course, this is true. How many of you slipped the C.O. extra bucks during his visit. And that's on top of what

    the congs set aside for his "expenses".

    I wish the IRS knew about all this under-the-table income. By the time the C.O. makes his circuit, he's probably

    rollin' in it.

  • OnTheWayOut
    And we have $$$ because the brothers give us $$$$."

    The trade-off, though. You have to keep your blinders on, you have to
    bank as much as possible, because you might get sick or old just as they
    decide to fire lay you off.

    You must totally bend over the entire time you are in these positions. Sure,
    you get to lord it over others, but you must allow the next level above you to
    lord it over you. It's kind of like being Darth Vadar. Lots of power, but the leaders
    manipulate you and discard you when you no longer serve their purpose.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I like it when high-profile lifers are smashed like Halloween pumpkins by the GB.

    Don't get me wrong - I don't like that the guy is hurting - far from that. I like the fact that others know of him and his reputation as a good man, and that he was wronged for political reasons. It gives the GB a black-eye and sometimes others follow him out of the organization.

    Still - I hope he can get over the pain they have caused him.


  • zack

    Satan was also a brother of Christ. Ted J fits right in the family.

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