ThomasCovenant, you offered:
I feel sorry for them as I have seen the pressure on them to juggle the demands of the cong with his wife who I think may suffer from depression.
Are you certain you were ever a JW?? How joltingly refreshing it is to hear real compassion expressed regarding the persecution JW families must endure at the hands of the WT judicial system and its loving brotherhood. In my 30 years as a JW the only, and I mean only, "compassion" I ever heard expressed was that brand of snickering/snooping, wild-eyed speculation couched in the all-too-familiar JW faux-concern voice of self-righteous superiority. I despised it.
The honest to God truth is our memories together are of field service standing at stranger's doors together. After 20 years of marriage isnt that too sad?
If there's ever been a more eloquent and poignant depiction posted on JWD than your entire one above as to the tragic plight of JW wives---especially those of prominent, over-worked elders---who are required to play the bright and shiny Stepford Christian partner while dying a slow and miserable spiritual and intellectual death behind frozen smiles, I'm sure I haven't read it. 'Sad' doesn't begin to describe it.
2/2001 (as in "out since...")