I discovered something about the Bible only after I left the Witnesses. As a witness, the Bible was a bit boring. Afterall,
the bOrg told us what it said. We didn't really have to dig for its underlying truths and revelations.
When I finally faded completely away, I didn't pray or read the Bible at all for a long time. Then, when
the time was right for me...after reading, researching, and studying other philosophies and exploring
other spiritual teachings...I picked the Bible up again and began to re-read it with different eyes. It is an amazing
book, imo, and I got much more out of it than before. I think it speaks to the individual individually. It will say
something to you in one way, but to someone else another way. I only discovered THAT after leaving the Witnesses.
I began to feel a more personal connection to God when reading the scriptures, as if there were things in the Bible
He wanted me to know that I hadn't thought about before.
I really don't think DOCTRINE matters much. The Bible is not about doctrine. Religion is about doctrine. The Bible
is a bit more mystical and personal. Religion ruins it!