The width is set to the Internet standard of 950 pixels. If you have to scroll sideways it means you are using a smaller resolution. Sorry about that, but I designed it to reflect the designs of today so it would look more professional, and Web 2.0 uses fixed widths. As for drawing in the visitors, I'll mention it whenever it is appropriate online and hope the links get used. Part of my reason for doing it was to stand up and be counted - it was therapeutic. is now up.
by James Free 33 Replies latest jw friends
Nice work.
compound complex
Thanks, Jeff:
Sorry to be PC-challenged, but what does "browser setting" mean and what is the correction? Are there steps a computer dummy can follow to solve the "problem"?
Off to work - if there's a solution and you find the time to explain it, I thank you in advance ... Have a great day, Jeff et al!CoCo
Guest with Questions
Hi James,
nice page..simple..precise...easy to understand..cutting out the clutter and just leaving the essential..great job!!!!
I agree with above statement. If a witness were to come to this site they aren't overwelmed with too much information and end up leaving. If they want more information they can for search for more sites. Great job.
Very nice.
Cuts to the chase, says what it needs to.
I likes the "GB ontop of the WT" logo.
I'll point people to it
compound complex
Just read your reply, James. Thank you.
It doesn't matter in the least - I'll just take the time to scroll. I appreciate your efforts and am glad that this has been therapeutic for you.
Continuing to read,
The Scotsman
James free -
great website - simple but professional. you do not get the boot in you just state the facts.
The internet will be this org's demise for sure.
Well done.
Point - You mention on your site that it was thought the prophets of old were due for resurrection in 1926? I thought it was 1925. No big deal anyway - the date was wrong in the first place.
AK - Jeff
CoCo - Not sure the fix. I was only aware that in my browser there was not problem. If there is an option to magnify texts that might cause it?
Look on your browser controls at the top. See if you see what looks like a magnifying glass with a plus or minus sign inside. That will magnify the text and cause it to make you scroll from side to side. If you 'zoom out' you might not have the problem. Mine seems to be fine at the default setting - but if I magnify it has the same problem you mention. Worth a look at least.
Very sleek and professional looking, with a very to-the-point header text and nice logo.
I saved it to Favorites.
James Free - Smooth and clean site, nice! One question though, in the disfellowshipping section on your site, you mention that after re-instatement, "Over time they will be allowed to resume field service". I've read others' experiences and seen it in action that upon re-instatement, the ONE THING they allow you to do almost immediately (and at least in the one case I saw, "it was immediately expected") is to return to field service; even if it is just to walk to the door with someone who is in "good standing" without saying anything. Do they sometimes delay the return to field service after a re-instatement? Perhaps it is a case by case thing? Again, - nice job!