Christmas Is Not Pagan!

by Sarah Smiles 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    I do not want to do anything that would offend YHWH and his son Jesus Christ! I am not a pagan and do not want anything to do with carved images or rituals from pagans.

    I will take my chance with the bible as God's word.

  • Gretchen956

    The American Family Association are a bigoted bunch of haters. No one is trying to take away Christmas. Why do people think that by acknowledging other religions rights it diminishes their own? Thats the type of thinking that gets more radical until it becomes fanatacism.

    This argument about whether Christmas is pagan or not is senseless, IMO. Because if you can rationalize it and make it your own christian holiday, then you aren't going to see the pagan origins. And if, like me, you enjoy the fact that it has roots in your own faith's past, then you either don't care, or you sidestep the whole issue by celebrating Yule or Solstice.


  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    G- good point. I wonder how Isrealites thought when the fail to pagan rituals on the hillside.

  • NotaNess

    Sarah Smiles....nice to see you step up and hit home run for the team.

    SusaneSmiles...I know of Witnesses who have recently indulged in the luaus.

    Wasn't it Paul who was jailed, and while there stated that he took joy in knowing that people were out in the streets pushing the message of Christ and the "Good News" for the wrong reasons, but atleast the people were hearing the news either way.

    So no matter how active JWs are against Christians making the Word of God be known, via Christmas, etc...Paul would take joy in it.

    So lurking JDubs, would you stand in an argument with Paul over it if he was in front of you? Would you talk about him behind his back about his views on it, would you turn him into the Governing Body?

  • NotaNess

    oops...sorry Susane! (wrong word)

  • sinis

    Who cares! Why debate the issue just celebrate it. Everything is pagan, including the Bible. Live life or you'll wake up one day shitting your pants, and in a convalescent home too old to change anything. Oh, and I wouldn't count on paradise waiting for you on the other side...

  • Cheetos

    I think if my family could have just had a Christmas tree and a few lights on our house it would have been fun as a kid. But, as it was my childhood was a dive cause I loved Christmas and felt a major part of my childhood was missing for not doing something with Christmas even if we could not afford the presents. HO HO HO

  • funkyderek

    Of course Christmas is pagan. Christians could never come up with something that's so much fun!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I bought the book quoted in the Trinity brochure by Arthur Weigall, "The Paganism in Our Christianity".

    According to his research (Arthur was a Christian), paganism was incorperated into Christianity before the 'bible' was completed.

    Take the time to read his book, it is quite interesting.



  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Sarah Smiles,

    Here is something I posted last year about this very subject.

    Hello everyone,

    My Mother and I were talking about Christmas being in December, and how the Christians felt it was truely a victory to have Christ Jesus birth still celebrated, unlike the pagan Sun god that was celebrated by the Pagans at the same time. We got to talking and realized that if you count backwards from when scholars really feel Jesus was most likely really born (in September), and count back 280 days of pregnancy, it would actually be late December!!! So I did some research, and came across this article. Could it be that the birthday was from the date of conception, not delivery??? Makes sence to me?? How about you?? Here it is...

    December 25th has absolutely no biblical foundation as a day of Christian worship?
    Or does it!

    Conception would have taken place 9 months prior, (modern research studies show 266 days has been determined as average human gestation time). 6

    Sept. 22, 3 B.C. ( 15 Tishri 3759 )
    -266 days
    =December 30, 4 B.C. = 14 Tevet 3758
    This falls well within the range of Dec. 25 for the day of conception.

    By celebrating Christmas on Dec. 25th, we may well be celebrating the conception of Jesus. Remember the miricle was not in the Birth of Jesus but in the conception of Mary by the Holy Spirit.

    The transcendence of time for God allows him to know the future as well as the past. In this knowledge, God knew the issues facing our generation. This information puts a new spin on the abortion issue, when does life begin? Many courts say that life doesn't begin until birth, but here we see that God considers the day of conception shall be the day that life begins. Do you know anybody who would allow children to be killed after birth. And yet the issue of life and the fetus seems to create such a gray area that many courts have settled on the birth date as the day for the beginning of life and in many areas of the world abortion is legal and used as a form of birth control. Therefore, Christmas day may be Gods answer to our modern dilemma about life beginning in the womb.

    Heres the site, there is more to the article then what I posted here.


    Lady Liberty

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