by skeeter1 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • skeeter1

    It pays to advertise.

    There has been some recent chatter on other threads about a major JW news story about to break within the next few weeks by AK-Jeff! It seems reliable.

    If this is true, I started thinking......

    I remember when Dateline aired, wouldn't it have been neat to have Billboards in major cities, and one across from Brooklyn? Billboards are very expensive - $10,000 - $20,000/month.

    Answer? Advertising Trucks

    To put an anti-JW ad on an advertising truck costs about $3,000 - $4,000 for 3 days. We could direct where the truck goes. Provided it's on a public street, it could go anywhere.

    Imagine if this next BIG story hit. Imagine if we had a truck. Imagine if the truck went around Bethel, Brooklyn, New York City, and other major cities.

    If the next BIG story hit in a few weeks, we'd need some dough. What are your thoughts on this idea?

    Also good for conventions....


  • skeeter1

    Imagine.... A major news story hits about the JWs and .....One of these pictures or following slogans...

    Lawsuits Out of CTourt


    Jehovah's Witnesses, as told by ex-Witnesses


    Jehovah's Witnesses Change Their Blood Policy

    On this truck....

    on the streets in Brooklyn.

  • Rabbit

    I like the idea. Of course, "Free" publicity is even better if we can get it. Like Dateline.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think this to be an absolutely fabulous idea.

    I have no idea where we start to get it done. But we should 'Advertise, Advertise, Advertise, the pedophiles inhabit the Kingdom Halls'.


  • jwfacts

    There is an old adage "all publicity is good publicity"

    I think advertising is a great idea but I keep wondering whether drawing attention to the WTS will end up in increased growth or increased leavers. Advertising may get people that are oblivious to the existence of JWs aware and even interested. Then again, it will make Bible ttudies aware of what to look out for and know intelligent topics to discuss with them. In Australia there has been several negative TV programs about Brethern and I would imagine it must be making it very hard for them to recruit.

    I thought a stationary billboard on the freeway outside a district convention could be effective, but it is difficult for an individual to cover the cost and more difficult to organize a group of people to chip in towards it.

  • skeeter1

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  • skeeter1

    I get what you say about bad advertising being good.

    I think a fringe of worldly people will be attracted to the JWs, but a majority would be interested in what we had to say.

    How do you think it will affect those still in? The die hards? Will it open some of them to the problems?

    Can you think of good ads?

    EG - Is a pedophile knocking on your door?

  • Rabbit

    It seems like the biggest loss of members is coming from younger witnesses. Maybe an Ad campaign aimed at 16 - 20 y/o JW's about things that affect them right now...higher education, social interaction, dating, auto accidents (blood) and just plain old freedom, would get their attention.

    The older ones may be more cemented in their ways. Educating the teenagers to what WT Secrets can be found on the Internet...could save a generation of JW's.

    What other topics can y'all think of for Ad content ?


  • still_in74

    it would only be viewed as a sign that the WTS has the truth, as that is why they are singled out and persecuted.

  • rebel8

    Good idea!

    Another I thought of, in case you can't raise enough $ to buy one truck ad, is for everyone to simultaneously place the same ad in their local newspaper.

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