anyone who bothers to find out if they are "a libra with virgo rising and moon in ""aires""" is a fucking idiot, wasting their time.
What Birth Sign Were You Born Under ?
by flipper 218 Replies latest jw friends
MRAIMONDI- Some people take their horoscope signs seriously. To call them a F-----ing idiot is disrespectful and rude and breaks rule # 3 in the posting guidelines. Just because YOU don't believe it - doesn't mean others have to agree with you , or makes them idiots. By the way - Are you a Virgo ? Born between August 23rd and September 22nd ? Just curious. You are a bit angry and confrontational. Peace to you
You all realize that when these ridiculous ideas were penned, the AXIS OF THE FXXXXXX EARTH WAS DIFFERENT right?
To call them a F-----ing idiot is disrespectful and rude and breaks rule # 3 in the posting guidelines
Wait a minute Flipper how do you know the axis of the earth hasn't shifted somewhat since the rules where written in 2000 AD
or so ?...that might throw everything off ! ...LOL...
Mraimondi must be a scorpio;)
i didnt mean to call HER an idiot, sorry.
i guess maybe i mean anyone who knows the facts about astrology, and then bothers to figure out all that bullshit is a fucking idiot.
I already said, im a fucking pisces. Eat my fishy ass ;)
and yes, i knew this since i was a kid, before i realized how much bullshit astrology is.
anyone who says "its just for fun" well, thats good and fine, but when you have so many other people basing their lives on it, it becomes less fun and more dangerous.
look at these sheep already calling me a scorpio or a virgo lol... yeah, my personality fits it right? How about you look up James Randi's personality test algorithm lol
haha, i did a google search for astrology bullshit and it was accidentally on google maps:
wow penn and teller are back on the air, and they made a special on this!!! i guess it is recent, actually!!! woohoo. everyone download this.
MRAIMONDI said, " I already said I'm a F-------ing Pisces . Eat my fishy a$$. " Goes to figure- my first JW ex-wife was a Picses. Kind of explosive emotionally ! Everybody knows Pisces have demons. LOL! ( Just teasing . ) Peace out, Mr. Flipper
haha im sure i have demons!!! no joke there!!!
but our conversations are decent nowadays.
About a lifetime ago before the borg happened to us. My husband and I took an astrology class at a local community college. We were exploring all kinds of things then, TM, Yoga, marijuana, the things typical of the 70's. The lady who taught the class had a German accent and took astrology very seriously but we came away with some things that really rang true about people and their personalities. One time I too was able to figure out the sign of someone. It was funny that I got it right and I think I surprised the guy too who was a Picses.
One thing that we have noticed almost always seems true. She said that when a couple has a family the first born if it is a boy, will have more traits like the mother than the father. The second child after that whether boy or girl will take after the father. It goes the other way if a girl is born first, she will take after the father. There was more reasoning on the characteristics of the offspring after that but I don't remember what it was.
WhereWasI: Scorpio married to Libra
Flipper, you and I have the same birthday, a year apart. You should have your entire chart read. It's probably very similar to mine.
Astro Chart Data Input <.......This is free.