i'm scorpio and yes i'm very sexual. my GF loves it!!
What Birth Sign Were You Born Under ?
by flipper 218 Replies latest jw friends
pyrex.....I'm a test tube baby
hey, Flipper.........this actually was what I was DF'd for: spiritistic practices, so, of course, I'm fascinated by it all..........done research/study on it, as well as tarot cards, runes, I-Chng, etc........I am a Leo Sun, Cancer Moon, Pisces Rising............also, a Fire Metal Rooster on the 12 year Chinese astrology wheel........or, if you prefer to follow native american astrology, I'm a Sturgeon or Brown Bear, depending on which native wheel you go by...........I've found ALL of this and more to be totally fascinating and have learned much about myself and others by studying it.........oh, and, haven't seen any deeemunz either.........
Leo, though I think astrology is a load of airy fairy tales that explains things in a very arbitrary and shallow way.
DAMMMMNNN!!! I just wrote a whole blurb and lost it all..........
Has anyone seen Sunnygal41's blurb? Nobody is going home until we find it.
Bumble Bee
This is my horoscope on my home page for today
November 22 - December 20
An unexpected letter or package might arrive sometime today, dear Sagittarius. This could be a gift from a lover - perhaps a bit more lavish than you would ever have expected. You could receive other communications as well; at least one could be related to your job in some way. A party invitation could also come, and you'll probably want to attend. Your significant other will want to accompany you. Have fun!
Well the letter carrier has come and gone, and no package or party invitation!
Sad emo
Apparently in the native American wheel, I'm a beaver
Not something I'd want to shout about, or at least not in the UK!!