My stepson knew a teenaged girl in his congregation who committed suicide after being disfellowshipped. I wish the general population was informed about how dangerous depression is, and that it is a medical condition that needs to be recognized and treated.
I started having depressions at 8 years old. My parents did not believe in any kind of psychotherapy so I went this way for years in and out of depression. I wasn't suicidal until a horrible divorce in 1990. Before that I was totally against taking medication although I had been in therapy starting in my mid-twenties. I finally started on prozac during the divorce, and I believe that and my therapy saved my life. The situation was still horrible and painful, it's not like the drug made me happy or numb. The difference was I was able to think more about solutions and look into the future a little, and have a little hope.
I went on and off the antidepressant 5 or 6 times over the years thinking I'd be ok, each time the depression crept back in over a few months. For the last 5 years or so I have stayed on and intend to do so. I still tend to depression at times but it is manageable and passes soon. One good thing about being older is you have the memories of coming out of past depressions so you know it's possible to get through it.
I can't imagine not having counseling to deal with this. There is so much to learn and work through. It did take me years for certain things I learned in therapy to finally click in my mind, but they did click.
If anyone you know seems to even tend toward being suicidal, take it very seriously. Jump in and help as much as you can.The worst that will come of that most likely is that the person might get angry at having their privacy invaded and bossed around. Beats the alternative. Mrs Flipper