Sad Emo,
I wonder if N Korea are feeling a bit twitchy, after all, being only in an armistice, the US wouldn't need to declare war on them - they'd just resume fighting. That makes them very vulnerable in some ways because the UN couldn't really stop it happening.
No, nothing to do with this at all.
North Korea is hungry, in fact starving. The only person in the country not hungry is Kim, who looks as if he has eaten the rest of North Korea's rice ration.
Kim recognizes the precarious position that his country is in and needs the help of the world. The nuclear issues, and the firing of dollar-store missiles were and are sabre rattling in order to get the same deal that Libya did from the rest of the world, that is, stand down your nuclear intent and we will pay you billions of dollars. It looks as if this will happen.
He needs the money to attend to his countries failing social infrastructure, a danger to the security of dicatorships, and of course to buy more rice to maintain his rotund disposition..