I used to see these kinds of dresses all the time at conventions. Some people definitely did not have the body type for it and were kind of...engaging in a 'this generation'-style overlap in terms of back fat, but um...still, it's not really a big deal. It's sort of sexy without being slutty, for lack of a better term. It's like...'I don't mind showing my arms and upper back, but it leaves the rest to the imagination', unless you're really busting out of it or something.
Of course, you couldn't wear that kind of dress if you were doing a part on the convention program, and as they say, if you couldn't wear it on the platform, you shouldn't wear it period.
I always felt women should dress modestly, but not necessarily with a floor-length dress; just don't show anything you'd feel uncomfortable with people seeing. If you show it, expect a normal man to look at it, at least a little. Bearing that in mind seems like an incentive to not show too much, you know? Actually, I find being modest can, at times, be sexy in itself. The whole 'sexually repressed' look can be pretty exciting in itself, from a certain point of view.
But I'm suddenly reminded of that old man who allegedly wrote in to the WTS and was highlight on the back of a magazine. He described two 'angels' coming to his door, evidently meaning two young sisters who called on him repeatedly. Maybe they were wearing spaghetti straps, eh? Eh?