"I'm a gonna get that nasty varmint Sadaam Hussein and that other stinky critter Osama Bin Laden. I'm a gonna tear their guts out and make 'em drink turpentine and then,.... then I'm a gonna get nasty. . ."
Who Would You Like To See As The Next President Of The USA?
by minimus 85 Replies latest jw friends
Big Tex
The Fairy Godmother.
A little magic can't hurt. I think we could use some right about now.
From among the candidates that are running I hope Hillary. I don't agree with her on every issue, but I think she leans more toward moderation but also sees the need to think outside the box regarding issues that keep getting worse by doing things the same old way.
Doesn't seem she was following that path during her husbands sexcapades, and her embarrasing marriage. Funny how money, fame an power will make people tolerate trash, instead of taking it out.
This explains why wealthy Canadians are driving across the border to pay for medical procedures they can't get in any reasonable time frame at home
Who cares?????? At least in Canada every person CAN get healthcare, CAN see a doctor, CAN get a check up and not have to sell their house, their car, cash in their pensions and declare bankruptcy to do it. Not only that but universality ensures that ALL people, not only the rich or employed with benefits, receive the same access to care. If someone is rich enough to go to another country and get something done because they can't be bothered to wait - more power to them. It's their extra money.
If the system in the USA is so absolutely incredible, you wouldn't have 100 million now unable to get the same level of care that every Canadian is entitled to and you also wouldn't have so many Americans going on medi-tours. Travelling to countries like Mexico to get dental or vision work. Travelling to Taiwan and India for hip replacements and heart surgeries. You wouldn't have seniors living out of the country - forced to live in another country - in order to get adequate assistant care. I just saw an ad in the paper today - it was for some insurance company giving a 90 day guarantee on surgery. How sick.
Did you know that more people over 60 are now declaring bankruptcy than ever before? Lots of medical bills will do that to ya - that's after you cash in all the pension you worked for AND used up your maximum health insurance that you do have.
Just as an added note - the Canadian healthcare system actually tracks the majority of treatments that Canadians get in the USA. They have a system set up for that in order to provide stats and work continually toward a better universal system of delivery. No such system exists in the USA. When the border doctors were asked to give figures on the number of people getting their treatment in the USA from Canada - that figure was less than one half of one percent. Included in the figures for Canadians getting health care in the USA were others who live down here (like the snowbirds) part of the year and who required that care while they were on vacation. This type of comment is made far too often without any backup and this was part of a USA/Canadian health care comparison plan that included information from hospitals here in the USA.
Watch SICKO. See how one woman sneaks up into Canada to get health care for her kid. Happens a whole heck of a lot - so while you make mention of Canadians coming here for treatment because they are wealthy - the average Joe in America has such pathetic or non existent care he/she has to sneak into Canada to get taken care of. sammieswife.
keyser soze
If I could pick anyone, it would be Russ Feingold. Of the ones who actually have their hat in the ring, I like John Edwards the best.