Another interesting NWT corruption of extant scripture.

by oompa 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oompa

    Yes I think Rev. 22:18,19 is a good idea. God said leave it alone. I have a big problem with many changes the NWT has made. I was showing my dad/elder one the he found interesting and unexplainable. We all know that Col. 1:15-19 has added the word [other] in brackets and it really changes the meaning of the verse and is not necessary for gramatical reasons.

    So my dad says, "well it is not really changed, it is in brackets" I'm like "how many times have you EVER heard this scripture read from the stage and the person says 'and note the bracketed word OTHER here? No never, it is read just like all the other words in the scripture that really are part of exitsting manuscript". Dad says he has never actually heard it read that way. Then I drop an little bomb on him...."Dad when I was growing up I knew that the REAL bible for smart people (like him) was the big four inch thick early Reference Kind of NWT with cross references, because that is what you used. Look at how Col. reads in it."

    If you guessed that there are NO [Brackets] of any kind you are correct! Just a pure ol SPURIOUS verse. I believe all NWT copies were like this until aprox. 1970. He had no clue, and no defense for the BIG change made by WTBS.

    Check it out and let me know when it was changed to [bracketed] can you change the bible!!!!!

  • lfcviking
    We all know that Col. 1:15-19 has added the word [other] in brackets and it really changes the meaning of the verse and is not necessary for gramatical reasons.

    I've seen this brought to light on a website called "Thesixscreensofthewatchtower". It makes the point that because this word "other" is inserted 4 times into the verses in the NWT it suggests that Jesus was created by Jehovah and then Jesus was used by Jehovah to create other things. I.e the NWT has deliberately altered it to support their theories.

    Shame on you WT!!!

  • Watkins

    You are definitely on a roll lately, oompa!

    I have one of the newer reference NWT, and [other] is there in Colossians with an asterik* >>> "All [other]" as in Lu 11:41, 42.

    So.... Luke 11 reads: 41)Nevertheless, give as gifts of mercy the things that are inside, and look! all [other] things are clean about you. 42)But woe to you Pharisees, because you give a tenth of the mint and the rue and of every [other] vegetable, but you pass by the justice and the love of God! These things you were under oblgation to do, but those other things not to omit.

    Which means --- [other] is a totally unnecessary addition for understanding the context. However, it is a VERY necessary addition if you're trying to uphold WT doctrine. The other [other] that is as troubling, or more so, is at Phillipians 2:9: For this very reason also God exalted him and kindly gave him the name that is above every [other] name... It's an[other] (lol) spurious addition that doesn't occur in the Greek Interlinear. Just the kind of manipulation you'd expect from a cult.

    Keep it comin' oompa!


  • still_in74

    God dammit! The longer I'm here the more stupid and naive I feel.
    How could I have never even considered the brackets in scriptures like these? How could I have had a Greek Interlinear for so many years and never paid any attention to it??

    Its moments like this were "the truth" is smacking me in the face and my cognitive dissonance (CD) keeps me holding it all inside!

  • oompa

    Hey guys I have always hated the [brackets] because they are never indicated when reading aloud. The rule for them stated in the forard are ignored often. But YUMMY! they did it for over twenty years in ALL their bibles with NO brackets! Thats right, lets just stray from accepted ancient manuscripts and write it with OTHER the way we want it and maybe no one will notice in 10 or 20 years. They knew it was wrong from 1950 on, there was no new documents found to add the brackets, but I bet enough people found out the truth that it became a problem.

    Stll in 64 we all feel had at times. just get back to hitting the books with a critical eye......oompa

  • metaspy

    I have also found the use of bracketed words disturbing, just like their use of elipsis (...)

  • oompa

    You guys need to cut and paste some of this BIBLE stuff I'm working on, and tack on some thoughts! JWS think it ALL starts there, and when you show deceit in the NWT you do get results.

    .......i hope results for my fam and friends too....oompa

  • WTWizard

    I have noticed this a lot. And I have noticed a lot of missing verses in the New World Translation that are in the King James version (the gold standard for accuracy because it was written by people that only wanted to make the Bible more common and not to promote an agenda). Besides the wording changes found throughout the NWT that are there to support the Tower doctrine.

    No, I am not saying that everyone should live by the Bible. But, when you claim to live by the Bible and try to get others to do so, and then you alter the Bible to fit your wants, you are in fact committing a very serious fraud. You are getting people's time and money on false premises. You are issuing death threats against those who will not join or that want to leave later. You are robbing people of all the events that define their lives, all in the name of God. I would rather be an open Devil worshiper than in the position of those humanoids that are defrauding people in the name of God (that would also provide an answer to those swindlers, since when they claim they have the answers to how to serve God, I would just tell them I'm interested in serving the Devil and do exactly the opposite of what they want.)

  • Iron Rod
    Iron Rod

    Great job oompa!

    Just one more example of the... hehe-snicker-snicker... scholarly integrity...chortle.. found in the NotWellTranslated version.

    I suppose that its not hard to figure out why "Brother Russell" said long ago that if a person stopped reading material from the society and went back to reading just the Bible(the Bible he had then,of course. Not the NWT), that that person would fall back into the dastardly clutches of Christendom. Well, yeah,take away all of the added and/or mistranslated words and voila! no more inculcatingtruth brain washing.

  • Gill

    Oompa! Thank you very much for pointing that out! What a bunch of lying blaggards the members of the WTBTS really are!

    IronRod - 'Not Well Translated'! Very good! I shall be remembering that one!

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