Yes I think Rev. 22:18,19 is a good idea. God said leave it alone. I have a big problem with many changes the NWT has made. I was showing my dad/elder one the he found interesting and unexplainable. We all know that Col. 1:15-19 has added the word [other] in brackets and it really changes the meaning of the verse and is not necessary for gramatical reasons.
So my dad says, "well it is not really changed, it is in brackets" I'm like "how many times have you EVER heard this scripture read from the stage and the person says 'and note the bracketed word OTHER here? No never, it is read just like all the other words in the scripture that really are part of exitsting manuscript". Dad says he has never actually heard it read that way. Then I drop an little bomb on him...."Dad when I was growing up I knew that the REAL bible for smart people (like him) was the big four inch thick early Reference Kind of NWT with cross references, because that is what you used. Look at how Col. reads in it."
If you guessed that there are NO [Brackets] of any kind you are correct! Just a pure ol SPURIOUS verse. I believe all NWT copies were like this until aprox. 1970. He had no clue, and no defense for the BIG change made by WTBS.
Check it out and let me know when it was changed to [bracketed] can you change the bible!!!!!