Update on my letter to the Watchtower...

by deaconbluez 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • deaconbluez

    So it's been a month since my detailed letter was sent to the Watchtower Service Department. I sent the letter through DHL delivery, so that it could be tracked. As of today, they still deny recieving the letter. Unfortunately, I have the date that it was delivered there, which was 2 days after it was sent. I also have the name of the person at the Watchtower who signed for the package. Ouch.

    When I explained how I had all this info, the guy in the Service Department said, "Uhh, is this something urgent?" I said, "Yes, it's urgent because I keep getting put off by you guys. First I call with serious questions and concerns, and I'm told that you guys say that you "don't like to have to stop and talk about it" over the phone. So I'm told to send a letter, which I feel is just prolonging the process. Now I'm being told that you haven't recieved the letter." The comedy from Brooklyn continues.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Ain't it great?

  • Gopher


    You're supposed to just shut up and wait on Jehovah !!

    Maybe they're trying to figure out which congregation to sic on you.

  • sspo

    Would not be surprised if they receive hundreds of letters from"apostates" and they don't want to deal with it anymore feeling that

    they will never be able to change an apostate thinking.

    Keep on calling.


    I admire your tenacity. Keep it up and keep us posted.

  • deaconbluez

    Would not be surprised if they receive hundreds of letters from"apostates" and they don't want to deal with it anymore feeling that

    they will never be able to change an apostate thinking.

    But to them, an "apostate" can be ANYBODY that has found something unscriptural about their teachings. Plus, their warped, cult-trained thinking is harder to change than anything. That organization is just one paradox after another.

  • zarco

    Is your letter available on JWDF

  • IP_SEC

    Hiya deacon.

    I looked throught your topic history and dont find your letter. I found your call to the WTS but the link to the download is expired. Im not up on what you're doing. Can you direct me to some posts where I can get up to speed?



  • OnTheWayOut
    "Uhh, is this something urgent?"

    I don't have my WT CD-ROM with me, but every bit of declaring the good news is "URGENT" to them.
    You need to get back to that return visit urgently. The end might come before you can sell them more
    magazines. Everyone is a potential member, so get back to them as soon as possible.

    Actually, a month or more is probably standard. They usually send some drones out to the address
    given with the offer to study, but others have said they answer questions in letters with a letter.
    Perhaps, sending it the trackable way you did set off their "apostate alarms."

  • deaconbluez

    I'll put the letter up on a server later tonight so you can download it if you want to read it. It's really long and detailed, and no offense, but many posters here aren't into detail, or reading anything that has any length to it.

    The phone call and the letter went together kinda. I've basically been regularly calling and writing them to address their 1914 teaching, and it's being based on a false destruction date of Jerusalem. I've also addressed their decades of specific date predictions for the end of the world, and how that categorically makes them a false prophet according to Deuteronomy 18 and Matthew 24.

    And the list goes on and on. I'm going to be turning all of this information into a radio call-in show, possibly to be syndicated. But if not, it will have the possibility of reaching a few million listeners.

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