OK, here's a few comments I've found right from the horses' ass mouth about how they view "charities"
w50 12/15 p. 507 ReligiousCharityversusGoodWorks ***
It is no secret, many so-called "charity" organizations operate a fraud and racket. For example, the New York Times, September 6, 1950, carried an account of how certain "religious charitable organizations" operating in Brooklyn, New York, are giving the poor only 15 per cent of the money they beg from the public. The other 85 per cent goes for what they call "overhead" expense. God’s faithful people cannot afford to donate to such organizations. They must use what they have to preach this gospel of the established Kingdom for the benefit of the poor everywhere, as commanded.—Matt. 24:14.
w03 6/1 pp. 6-7GivingThatPleasesGod ***Jehovah’s Witnesses today are also quick to help when disaster strikes. During the summer of 2001, for instance, torrential storms caused major flooding in Houston, Texas, U.S.A. In all, 723 homes of Witnesses were damaged to some extent, many of them quite badly. A disaster relief committee made up of qualified Christian elders was immediately formed to assess individual needs and to allocate relief funds to help the local Witnesses to cope with the situation and repair their homes. Willing volunteers from neighboring congregations performed all the work. One Witness was so appreciative of the help that when she received payment from her insurance company to cover the repairs to her house, she immediately donated the money to the relief fund so that it could help others in need.
When it comes to organized charity, though, we need to be cautious as we evaluate the many appeals we receive. Some charities have high administrative or fund-raising costs, leaving only a small portion of the collected money for the intended purpose. Proverbs 14:15 says: "Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps." So it is the course of wisdom to examine the facts carefully.
km4/94p. 4par. 8 Serve JehovahWithoutDistraction***Time-Consuming
SideIssues:Some have got caught up in efforts to resolve common problems in modern society. Christians need to avoid becoming involved in the world’s endless debates over social issues or its futile struggles to correct injustices. (John 17:16) All of this is part of Satan’s design to divert attention from the Bible’s counsel and the fundamental fact that there is only one long-term solution—the Kingdom of God.The one below is the real killer though. In the November 2005 Kingdom Ministry, it strongly recommends that Witnesses do not specify what their contributions should be used for, because in "some lands", they might be legally obligated to use it for those truly in need----and what a waste that would be. No, instead, it recommends that you give a general donation without any attachments so that the goons at the top can use it anyway they see fit. The vague phrase " with all features of the Kingdom work" apparently includes paying off victims of sexual abuse within the religion, because that's where they got the money for it: by unsuspecting donors who think they're dollars are going towards spreading the "good news":
km11/05 p.3 pars. 1-5 How Can We Help?***
The question "How can we help?" is often raised by Jehovah’s Witnesses when they hear of a disaster that has occurred in some part of the world. As the account at Acts 11:27-30 shows, Christians in the first century provided a relief ministration to the brothers dwelling in Judea because of a famine that took place.
In modern times, our organizational charters have permitted money to be used for charitable activity and to provide humanitarian assistance to those suffering from natural or man-made disasters and in other times of need.
For example, last year many brothers contributed toward helping those affected by the tsunami disaster in South Asia. This heartfelt response in the way of donations to the organization’s relief funds was very much appreciated. However, when donations are earmarked specifically for a certain disaster, it is necessary in some countries to use such funds only for the purpose specified by the donor and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of our brothers have been cared for locally or not.4
Consequently, it is recommended that donations for humanitarian and relief assistance be made to the worldwide work. This fund is used for relief efforts as well as for advancing the spiritual needs of the Christian brotherhood. If, for some reason, a person wishes to make a relief donation separate from contributions to the worldwide work, it will still be accepted and used wherever there is a need for relief assistance. However, it would be appreciated if such donations are made without restrictions as to where and how the funds may be used.5 Our directing donations primarily to the worldwide work allows for more funds to be available for use in connection with all features of the Kingdom work rather than being held only for future relief needs. This is in harmony with the spirit of Ephesians 4:16, that we work together to give what is needed "for the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love."
Since the WTS does not really encourage charitable works, and since it's easy to prove that they do virtually nothing for the communties like set up soup kitchens, provide clothing or shelter to the homeless, or do anything else worthwhile, why on earth should they be entitled to having a tax-free Charity-status?