Faith of Four Fathers
declaring bold what may befall
a child who dares, or not,
he proclaims the fate of each
act for good or ill, with will and
fervor strengthened in the forge
of half-remembered beatings
decades old and trembling still
beneath a grim visage this, his pain,
awaits a faith, in fear
shining, glorious worker
earning food for six
mouths eager to eat what he provides
showing off the glint of steel
that afforded protection for
enameled grinders flashing straighter
truer every day, welcoming
within a heart proud this, his beautiful pleasure,
awaits a faith, in fear
telling far and wide how it ought
to be done in modesty, properly
conceived and brought into life
these thoughts and dreams of men
fashioned powerful in His image
are willed so, and it is done
speaking forth while deafness catches all
above a clarion voice this, his halo glow,
awaits a faith, in fear
bringing forth in pairs
fruit of loins and loved
a love like that of Abram
who gladly took a knife to
slay a son in his God’s name
yet none are this measure of friend
we are slaves, we are sinners
a hollow, distant hum as this, his son departed,
rejects a faith, and fear