Show The Love....

by saywhat29 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • saywhat29

    I'm actually being serious for once!

    Okay I think everybody here understands anger, sadness, and fear, but you know...

    This is going to be the strangest thread ever, might be even out of place but...

    What are some of the things you miss and/or love about your family and friends, yes the JWs ones. Because only people who you love like hell can put a deep cut into your chest like that. And no I don't think this is a Jw apologist kind of thread, at least I don't think so because acknowledging the horrible stuff people do to you (us) doesn't mean that we have to forget about all the positive things and good qualities of a person.

    Like my mom for instance. I know I talk about her like hell, about her being so brainwashed, homophobic, and insane sometimes but...

    Oh my god, like there is not a woman on this earth so strong in my eyes. We used to be really close and I think that's why it hurts. It seems so crazy and you're gonna think that I'm really messed up for saying this, but I WISH at times she had treated me like crap, like dirt the way some of you were treated becaue I could cut her loose, but she is a really great mother. She is really sweet and is very loyal, emotional in that good sense that she can easily feel empathy for a person. And while she goes on and on and on about all she did wrong to make me gay, eh I always looked at it that she was really amazing to the point that I never needed another woman in my life 'ause, yep. Had my moms.

    I know, so gay....

    But that's how I feel about her and that's what I keep thinking about when I feel like leaving, like cutting them off the same way they will do to me at times. Like it won't hurt as much if I do it first and take away their power to do that. So that's why I put up with her crap at times because I know she's a good person and she knows I am. We just had really huge hurdles in our way and I don't know if we'll ever get through them but... even if we don't I'll always love her.

    So what are the qualities/things/ or stories you wanna share about the JWs in your life that keep you up at night to tears wondering if you'll ever get it back, who are the ones that have brought you here hoping that they'll one day see the light?

    And yes, I think this is a good thread because it shows all the lurkers out there that apostates and the Internets aren't full of crazy angry people... okay that is a complete lie, but that we have a reason to be what we are and we're actually human beings who love our JW relatives and friends even when they drive us up the wall and to tears.

    Get out your hankees ladies and gentlemen!

    (and to what caused this post, I watched a Lifetime movie- there was nothing else on! Leave me alone, Don't Judge me!)

  • eclipse

    awwwww, lol saywhat that was really sweet and very moving...I wish I had those emotions still,but I'm dead inside

  • Younglove1999

    Well, I'm not sure this is 'tearing-up" worthy, but I truly appreciated the generosity of my last congregation when we were pregnant with our little girl. We had only been in the hall for less than a year and they gave us a really nice baby shower. One sister gave me this bin full of Laura Ashley dresses from ages 18 months to 5 years old. Each dress was dry cleaned and wrapped in tissue and all stored in this bin. So nice of her. My husband and I were touched by everyone's generosity.

    In fact, my old congregation also threw us a shower as well as my parents congregation. They went above and beyond to help make sure we had everything we needed for our first child.

    it's something I'll never forget-

  • saywhat29

    Aww, thats really nice Younglove. Yeah my little sibling is always getting things from borhters and sisters; they really like to spoil her.

  • ex-nj-jw

    There is nothing positive I can say about the Jdubs, their organization or my family that are jdubs. My mother obviously disliked me very much, my dad just went along with mom to keep her quiet, the organization and their silly rules and regulations, elder meetings about stupid crap, the way they expected me an 8 year old girl to treat her big brother (s), they tried to teach me to hate anyone that wasn't JW and last but not least my dear mother succeded in taking away my first born and turning him against me not to mention the emotional and psych problems he has now.......Nothing good about them in my eyes!

    But, I overcame all of their BS - left their crazy organization and my crazy family and now I have raised my children all except my first born to be well adjusted, respectfull, independent young men who truely love their parents and each other. They know how to respect others for their differences and accept those who are different. They love their extended family no matter what. And most of all I ensured that they would never, ever be exposed to the JW religion, I've made sure they know all they need to know to stay away from that cult and keep anyone they love away from it.


  • saywhat29

    I'm really sorry ex-nj-jw, that you had to go through that and I can't imagine having to deal with the rift your familys caused between you and your son.

    I really didn't mean the religion itself par se, I just meant the people in the religion. I def. don't for the religion anymore myself but my family didn't behave that way (before) so I still care for them. Even if I think their cult sucks. It's just harder now is all and I waned to put something out there that was positive. Sorry if I offended you 'cause I know there are people who have been through hell with the witnesses and have a right to their anger and I wasn't trying to belittle or deman that in any way.

  • RisingEagle

    Saywhat, I found your post very touching. I spent some time just staring at the reply screen because I really did want to have something to post that was inline with your thread. But I can't today. Everytime I thought back on something good or kind or even compassionate, a little voice in my head went off and said, "Yeah, but..." I couldn't recall an experience when the jw's in my life didn't have an ulterior motive. And yet, I still have a difficult time yanking those people from my life. It's like the stove, that I know is hot, and I just can't stop reaching out to touch it.

    Maybe I'm just not far enough along in the process of 'getting over it'. Maybe I'll feel different later.

    I sincerely hope that many others post more in along the lines of your OP, and sorry for the threadjack.


  • mentalclearness

    Yeah I love my mom too!!!!!!! She's awesome...She told me a couple weekends ago that she loves me and my kiddies very much and that my choice to not attend meetings anymore will not change that.....

  • ex-nj-jw


    I'm sorry for taking your thread to a level that wasn't intended. I just don't have any warm or fuzzy JW memories. I should have just not posted a reply!

    You have a PM


  • saywhat29

    it's cool! LOl, now you have a PM!

    That's great mentalclearness, you are lucky. While my moms isn't all that happy and probably won't, eh I'll work at loving her and show her how its really done.

    Or strangle her in trying.

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