Am I a cool dude or what?

by sweetface2233 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetface2233
    Yes'm Just upsized the back one to 4g night before last. . . (the other one is still 6g)

    You have TWO tongue piercings??? I swear, the west coast looks more appealing every day!

    Greendawn and Clam, thanks for the're making me blush.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    sweetface... cool avatar... gonzo is soooo misunderstood... and i share his affinity to blowing things up/lighting things on fire.. .heh heh heh...

    "Fire is my friend"

    I "perceive myself to be hot".

    based on your original pics, I'd agree... Can't wait to see you in person in TO and confirm it. LOL

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "dude with the creepy avatar" Sheep Class)

  • BrentR

    Even though Gonzo is one cool dude I liked your original one also. I could switch mine to beaker and no one would even notice. We are almost like twins.

  • bigwilly
    You have TWO tongue piercings???

    Yeah, I'm an over acheiver Here's a pic of the 6g set up I had until recently (please excuse the coffee residue on my tongue in the pic, I took it at work )

  • sweetface2233
    based on your original pics, I'd agree... Can't wait to see you in person in TO and confirm it. LOL

    Snakes, I can't wait either. And thank you for your input.

    I liked your original one also. I could switch mine to beaker and no one would even notice. We are almost like twins.

    Thank you Brent! Get on the bandwagon. BIGwilly has already changed his. Let's get this party started!!!!

  • JK666


    Gonzo would be an okay avatar. But I would miss seeing your sweet face when you post!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Yes Ms. Face. You are a dool cude. ;-)

  • nvrgnbk

    Glad you're back, sweetface.

  • erynw

    <----- There ya go!

  • SacrificialLoon

    Gonzo is cool and all, but the Sweedish Chef is the one muppet to rule them all. Bork! Bork! Bork!

    And with this post I become a master.

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