What is the key that unlocks the mental grip of the WT?

by LennyinBluemont 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    The key is within.....

    V PS: No, not like in "Underworld Evolution..."

  • OnTheWayOut
    I really think the mind control is most readily maintained by demanding attendance for those five hours per week. Not only the steady drone of indoctrination with fully scripted meetings, but also the reinforcement of the idea just by the presence of so many we hold dear and respect. Even more than the literature and the field service, I really think it’s the meetings.

    I had a problem with "GENERATIONS" and promised myself I would look into it.
    I did not do so until I had been in a foreign lang. cong. for awhile.

    I was able to free my mind during these meetings to focus on understanding language
    instead of doctrine, so I got back to my personal research without feeling guilty.

  • kifoy

    I agree that not going to meetings play a great role in the daily life. I went to my last meeting almost 7 years ago. Soon I did not think much about it, no bad concience, and I went on with my life. But for many years, when my husband asked me questions about JW teachings I would still defend them. I could not live a JW life, but deep inside I still thought they were right. Maybe not "The Truth", but when the WT said that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607, so was it. So in some way I was still under some sort of "mental grip".

    Looking back, I think it was all the small questions that my husband asked me, that I could not answer, that little by little released the grip. And the turning piont, if I remember correctly, was when he found out about all the lies and dishonesty in qouting in the creation book (the blue one). It took a long time before I had the guts to visit this site, but when I did, that also was a big help in learning the "real truth about the truth".

    So I would say that time, resarch and patient friends/family (non JW) is the key.


  • jgnat

    Since I've been practicing various techniques for the past five or six years, I think I can speak with some authority. I think you are absolutely right. Six weeks away from all meetings appears to be about right. That's when the person is most themselves. Now, after six weeks away if they naturally return to the organization, they haven't found enough reasons to leave.

    That's where the reasons come in. That's where the unique keys come in. People join for all sorts of reasons. Learn about the person and figure out what theirs is.

  • freyd

    The meetings are obviously the reinforcement mechanism. I don't think you can go to a meeting without hearing Heb 10:24-25 quoted. But try quoting 1 Cor 11:17 "In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good." NIV But the meetings are the grip. What breaks it? I don't believe it's acknowledging abuse or doctrinal inconsistencies or hypocrisy. What finally breaks the grip, to either leave or refuse to be a guinea pig any longer by staying for the sake of relatives is the realization that no elder can be trusted, whether you openly acknowledge it or whether it's just at a gut level, that they're all wolves in sheep's clothing. All the other stuff is pretty much put on the back burner as long as you haven't had the tacit trust relationship broken. You can feel that some elders aren't trust worthy, but when it finally hits home that none of them are, I believe that's what releases the trap, whether it's conscious or unconscious. If you stay, you're immune to the indoctrination. If you leave, good riddance. That's not to say that by leaving that there aren't other issues, because you made a full committment. You're all in as they say in poker. There are damage issues, and separation issues that have long term effects so you have to hold to your integrity, otherwise, it's like JR Ewing said, "Get rid of integrity and the rest is easy." David had to flee into the wilderness from Saul. But he kept his integrity. The society would have people believe that everybody who leaves also abandons their integrity and further wants people to believe that everybody who's gone was kicked out. They don't like it when people just up and walk. But the best revenge is success. Well maybe the 2nd best. If you meet dubs on the street and especially elders and they see you are doing well, it has to be unsettling. When a person is df'd the elders revel is the suffering they see afterward. But when you smile and walk away it has to just fracture them. Like pouring hot coals on their heads. Read Rev 12:13-17

  • nvrgnbk

    1. Break from the programming

    2. Deprogramming by exposure to information/knowledge

  • greendawn

    Stopping attending meetings is a positive development but the best way in my view is to extensively study the JW history and doctrine and thoroughly comprehend their real cultic nature and objectives. Nowadays with the internet and scores or rather hundreds of sites exposing the JWs that can be easily done.

    Then meeting people that attend non cultic Christian religions helps a lot in the case of those that wish to continue to believe in God.

  • zack

    I don't know of any one "key." For me it was this: I lost my fear. Once I wasn't afraid of all the consequences that the WT preach will befall you if you leave them, I was free.

    I simply said to myself (and now say to others): If I will be judged on what I myself am and what I myself do, then I need no one else telling me who to be or what to do."

    If there is a God and a judgement, then I would rather stand on my own after having LIVED for my own, than stand on my own after having LIVED for the GB.

    Lose the fear and gain your FREEDOM.


  • LennyinBluemont

    I know it’s easy to generalize or oversimplify this, but here’s the reason why I don’t think knowledge is the key. For JWs who have been in for decades, they have first hand knowledge of the changes and shifts and double standards. In the confidential company of a close friend, they may even make an isolated comment about it. Many of us have written letters to our friends on the inside upon leaving, including many facts and evidence of gross hypocrisy and lies. This is powerful knowledge. And I know many of the ones we sent letters to read them. But here’s where the problem is with knowledge being the key. It seems no matter what they are presented with, whether its court records of pedophilia payoffs by the WT or illicit relations with the scarlet colored beast, either of which would be sufficient to cause any intelligent person to at least start asking questions under normal circumstances – their steadfastness remains intact. At the core of their mental powers there is a mantra that never ceases it’s endless loop: "It’s God’s Organization." This single thought seems sufficient to vanquish and absolutely evaporate the most powerful reason and evidence. And it really doesn’t make any difference how intelligent they are. This, I believe, is the central concept that is drilled into their consciousness endlessly at the meetings, from the opening prayer to the closing prayer. On the other hand, if they haven’t been to meetings for a few months and then come across this stuff, it seems the odds are remarkably greater that they will at least give the information , or knowledge, serious consideration. It’s at that point the knowledge becomes important, because to even consider the possibility that the WT is false requires a huge hook to hang your hat on.

  • hamsterbait

    LENNY - PLease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Break your posts into digestable chunks.


    If you are a writer of pulp fiction you would not be published.

    HB ( of the "Half paragraph Bullshit" class)

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