Sounds like driveby witnessing
JWs Have a NEW TACTIC (at least to me)
by Gretchen956 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's Called the PLACE AND RACE method. you have to run as fast as you can after leaving a mag in case the person wants to have an earnest conversation. If a person wants to talk to a Witness, then that is dangerous because that person might ask critical questions that could poison your mind. we must flee from apostate propaganda. If you pause even a second, that gives the Devil a chance to place something of his own, like subversive thoughts or thought provoking questions.
My favorite JW Tactic: These pioneer sisters I know (who are both now dfed) would drive 1 1/2 hours to West Virginia, offer a magazine at one gas station, drive 1 1/2 hours back to Ohio, and count all that time.
Now THAT is service. -
My friend and I used to walk around Pioneer Square in Portland handing out magazines, eating hotdogs, and drinking Starbucks.
We used to chuckle at a portly trio of JW's in early morning work. They sat on a bench outside of a Starbucks, with the mags displayed on their chests, talking chattily amongst themselves. There were no attempts to contact passerbys...(lucky them).
Enjoying freedom
BDeserter -your comment about how to do maximum hours with minimum work is exactly how we used to do things!
I was in a congregation with a lot of rural territory. As soon as you left the KH and were walking down the High Street to the car you would do your damndest to get a tract in someone's hand! Start the time!
Then it would take approx 30 mins/45 mins to get to the car, and drive to the territory.
Then the clever thing is to make sure that you do the same in reverse - ie if your lived a long way from the territory you call on one of your neighbours when you get home. End of time!
We moved congregations from a town to a rural congregation, but didn't move house. We kept a short list of return visits from the town that we could use to start and end time.
Of course we only started doing this once we got wise to how everyone else was reporting so many hours! Before that we were actually honest about what we reported!!!
Crazy days!
It is rude to behave like this, are thet supposed to listen?
By the way enjoying freedom we used to do the same with rural territory and rv's .. Disingenuous but what could you do - and it worked; that pioneering easier!
Several months ago, my daughter told me that she was taking her children in for a doctors appointment, when a van pulled up with a space inbetween her and them...the side door flew open.
She said she had her back to the van, but turned around and faced two women that jumped out and walked briskly towards her...she said at first she thought she was about to be attacked and starting pushing her kids back into her van........but instead one said.."do you have an appointment? Want something to read?" And thrust a WT and AW into her hand. Turned and quickly walked back to their van, closed the door and left.
She didn't even realize what it was at first, because she was still too startled about the whole thing.
I wonder if that's how they spend their day, driving around and approaching people in parking lots.
I hate that tactic they use of shoving their literature in your hands, I remember being trained to do it.
You've got to give jaydubeeyas credit they know how to unload their product.
I hate littering but what if you partially tear it so know one else reads it and drop it on the sidewalk.
jaydubeeyas are messing the street up with their garbage we (city) need to stop their activity.
Or just rip it up and throw it in the trash can, preferably where they can see you.
That would be fun!
I used to frequent a lot of atheist message boards and when they found out I was a Witness, the other atheists would ask me questions. One tactic that came up repeatedly was Witnesses stopping people in parking lots at the grocery store and preaching at them when they had an arm load of groceries to put away and melting ice cream dripping over their forearms!
I haven't seen much of the personally, but around here they've been shoving magazines in peoples doors, knocking and then running away without even talking to any one. I was really surprised by that. It seems like "speed witnessing" is in. I guess they figure if you have the mags, maybe you'll read them.
I wonder if the Witnesses are donating for all of those they leave? If so, it's only making money for the Society even faster than before. It is a closed money trail most of the time, after all. The Witnesses need the lit for the meetings, and the Society generously supplies them but asks for more than the actual cost to help out with other expenses. Kinda brilliant money making scheme. :-(
horrible life
If a couple people charge them with assult, this practice may stop.