Would someone please define " love bombing" for me? I have the definition from " Quotes", however if you've experienced or been apart of this action I'd be interested in your input. Thanks.
Love Bombing
by Tigerman 13 Replies latest jw friends
Love bombing is when someone new comes into the Kingdom Hall and every one fawns over you and tells you how much they love you and you have truely found God's only organization on earth. They sufficate you in affection trying to show you true "Christian Love". OF course when you do get baptized and dare to deivate from the true path in the slightest way you learn the true meaning of "Christian Love"...
Yup. What Zeroday said, and in my husband's experience, the minute he was baptized, he was dropped like a hot potato, while they went on to the next victim. My hubby noticed it right away...it was a real eye opener for him.
Does love bombing occur in other ways . . .like when non-Witnesses visit Witness relatives?
Are Wit-kids told by their Wit-parents to show this emotion to their non-wit grandparents ?
It can happen. Years ago my brother, who was DFd at the time, went to a family funeral. Against doctrine, the family love-bombed him and got him to come back. Of course it didn't last that long because he only did it for them. But yes, it definately happens in some cases.
i am new here. it is only my 2nd post. i have been studying with the JWs for about 6 months now. i had never heard of this "love bombing" expression before. but after reading the few posts of this thread, believe me, i am living this "love bombing" right now! hugs here. hugs there. it is too much, and...does not always feel sincere:-(
Mrs. BrentR has a little thing she does that she refers to as "love bombing". It involves a bungee cord, handcuffs, leather pants and grape Jello.
before. but after reading the few posts of this thread, believe me, i am living this "love bombing" right now! hugs here. hugs there. it is too much, and...does not always feel sincere:-(
yeah your feeling it now and you are correct.......... its not sincere.
in a few months they will pressure you to start doing something......... be baptised or start going in feild service.
right now you can do no wrong cause they trying to sweet talk you into the cult.............. oh you can wear anything you want as long as you come to the meetings.
six months from now if you dont wear elder body approved clothes they will consider you bad association and start prefering other more spiritual brothers company and then eventually shun you.
for any reason really,,,,,,,,,,,,, you dont go out in service enough, you dont comment enough at meetings, you drive a two door car............ they really dont have to have a reason.
Summer, I think you are spot on about their sincerity.
What they are doing is simply unfair and unethical.
Oh, btw, welcome to JWD! We all love you so much here, please feel free to wear whatever you want while posting, you really have found the One True Forum... blah blah blah.
Sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face, I don't know how the dubs do it.
But, you really are welcome, and there are no strings attached to that.
Love Bombing in my house means, my seven year old has just walked up to you, given you a huge hug and said I love you, with the most innocent eyes and then farts and laughs her head off. Ya just been love bombed!