For your viewing pleasure
by watson 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Bleccchh. Why ruin a perfectly good song from les miserables.
Well, that's six minutes and nineteen seconds I'll never get back again. I kept waiting for the punch line. Did I miss something here?
Was this about being in the new system or paradise?
I think I am going to throw up. Very nice scenes of animals with humans, unfortunately you have only to look at many animals and insects to realize their whole way of life is to tear other apart. Also the happy pictures of children playing will not exist in this paradise. The society say once the earth is full, people will no longer have children. From what I remember they say that all mankind will be the same age about 30. As usual the society only show half the story.
Watson !
That's given me an unpleasant start to a Saturday morning. They'll be knocking at my door next.
As an antedote I turned the video's sound down and ran Alice Cooper's Poison instead. Puts a more honest slant on it.
You know, a regular Witness would love that video. They live for that paradise, it's what makes their daily existence bearable.
White Dove
You are absolutely right! I remember talking to fellow JW's (when I was in) about how if I didn't have the paradise to look forward to I'd just kill myself. Life had no meaning without Jah and JS in it and the hope. It was all I ever knew as I didn't come out of "false religion." I was born into it.
They really are salesmen in that they created a need or discovered one where they feed off of people's desire to not die or stay dead.
I remember thinking how heartbreaking it would be to discover that all of this is a lie.
Then, I began seeing why people were so unreceptive to the message: it challenged their own hopes and dreams (did not know at the time of the intellectual reasons, only the emotional ones for rejecting the msg).
It just kinda snowballed from there.
I began thinking how unloving it really was to trash others' beliefs because if I felt as strongly about mine, why couldn't others feel just as strongly about theirs.
I decided that I didn't want to go out into the field and break hearts, possible driving others to suicide (again, I knew nothing of the intellectual reasons for rejecting the msg, only the emotional ones, so I didn't realize that I probably would not drive others to suicide).
I wanted to help them not hurt them.
I realized how tramatic it could be to find out that the very thing in which you put your reason for getting up the morning is bogus.
Then the intellectual exploration came and I realized that we were all being pompous asses and that I wasted my whole life (37years) on this stupid religious cult.