Should I go to Bethal this afternoon?

by Princess Daisy Boo 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    So my family was supposed to be having a braai this afternoon, and a bit of a family gettogether, and this has been cancelled, but my sister is still keen on doing something and has invited us for coffee at her place at Bethal... I don't really feel like going, but feel like I should (family duty and all that crap)...

    Should I go?

    Princess DB

  • jgnat

    aargh, I hate that trigger word, "should". There are very few "should"s in this world, and many, many choices. The consequences of your going or staying are about the same. I think this is a good time to practice working through what you really want to do. Then do it.

  • nvrgnbk

    Nicely put, jgnat.

  • *summer*

    No one can make this decision for you. But just have a quick look at your own post..."I don't really feel like going, but feel like I should (family duty and all that crap)..." A good indication, in your own words, on how you feel in your heart about having coffee at Bethel today. In any case, have a great day:-)

  • Gopher

    < reference to a troll deleted >

  • Gayle

    If you do go, will you be able to get 'off the record' gossip goings on. Like increasing/decreasing there? Any response to the pedofile lawsuits? Questions on blood factions reality?


    I think Jgnat is right..Although if you do go to Bethel..Tell Ted Jaracz,OUTLAW wants to give him a wedgie..LOL!!.........................Jgnat..Barney Muldoon is back..So far he`s impersonated oompa and JK666..Crazy Eyes..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • JK666

    Can you stomach it? It sounds like as much fun as glass shards up the rectum.


  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    So, I didn't go this afternoon, just did not have the energy to deal with my sister and her husband. The only reason why I wouldn't have minded going was because I might have been able to report back to you all on any interesting gossip....

    I see the fake oompa's post is gone - what did it say?

  • Gopher


    If you had gone, that's a couple hours of your life you would've never gotten back!!

    I have conveniently forgotten what the fake oompa said. Moving on!

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