What made you get baptized?

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • helncon

    To be accepted.


  • NewYork44M

    I was not forced. I was 15 and wanted to pioneer when the GT began in 1975.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    I was 8. I remember looking out the window of my 3rd grade classroom at a big storm brewing outside. It looked like Armageddon was about to start

    Your childhood innocence made me chuckle. Reminds me of how I would've reasoned at 8 years old too! Regardless, I still think 8 years old is still too young to make such a life-altering decision.

  • monophonic

    just found out last night my nephew and neice are getting baptized....let's just say neither are even in high school yet....all i can think of is, good luck with all that, and if you wanna talk to uncle monophonic before taking the easy dip that will put a choke hold on your necks for the rest of your lives, you can crash at our place if sh#t ever goes down.

    was not happy when i heard.

  • kifoy
  • wherehasmyhairgone

    Would you belive a mix up of names!

    There were 3 guys in our congreation with the same first name, SO apprently ( what i heard from the elders who came to go thru the questions) when they said the steve's are getting baptized they assumed it was me as well.

    So another mix up in the shedule of them going thru the questions again, left me out of the loop, and I suddenly had an elder turn up on my dorr to go thru the questions with me... so i thought ...what the hell..i might as well.

    My one guilty confession on the whole thing was on the coach ride to the pool where the baptism, there was a rep from the WTS interviewing about how we came to be baptized, and for a laugh ( i was only 16) (but looked about 20) I completly made up a story about being in a rock band etc etc,oh yes and also gave a false name... the guy wrote everything down... so i guess i was destined to get thown out at some point.



  • B_Deserter

    I was a TBJW (True-believing JW) at the time. I think I liked the prestige it brought me. The congregation I was born into treated me like an outcast, but my new congregation really lifted me up. I was "progressing" and felt that I was making the right choice. So no, I'm not going to blame anyone, or claim I was pressured into it, or say it was for a girl or because of peer pressure. It was my decision at 15 because that is what I believed. Fact of the matter is I changed and saw the truth about "the truth."

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    A couple of my "friends" (more accurately, people I wanted to fit in with and be friends with) were getting baptised at the next circuit assembly and I thought I would fit in if I did, and truth be told, I had a real crush on the one boy. I was 14.


    I was 17 and felt it was the right thing to do. From my whole family (a total of 7 incl. inlaws), I was the ONLY one who got baptized because I wanted to. The other 7 all did a few months later, because 1. the others did, 2. pressured to. They never even went out in the field service until after they were baptized.


  • fresia

    Came out of the world and got baptised after studying for around 6 mths in 1976, back then they were told by the WTS only to study with interested ones for a short time, and if they appeared not to progress to stop the study, baptism was pushed on us back then. But I really believed and was my personal dedication before the baptism.

    Noticed though that quiet a few on here are saying baptism was forced or they had the wrong motive for being baptised, I understand why you left then, but how long did you stay in, with not really believing must have been painful.

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