Comments You Will Not Hear at the WT Study (10/7 Suffering)

by WT Comments 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sf

    Q15) How can our enduring suffering now benefit us in the future?

    15) If we endure opposition and persecution with the right attitude, it can build endurance in us. This will help us to weather future sufferings. We read: "Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet with various trials, knowing as you do that this tested quality of your faith works out endurance." (James 1:2, 3) Similarly, Romans 5:3-5 informs us: "Let us exult while in tribulations, since we know that tribulation produces endurance; endurance, in turn, an approved condition; the approved condition, in turn, hope, and the hope does not lead to disappointment." So the more we now endure trials because of our Christian course, the better equipped we will be to endure further trials in this wicked system of things.

    Ah, so this is what some of the active elders and their co-horts here apparently still subscribe to. How lovely.

    Tell me, do my posts feel like persecution to you? Something you must endure?

    "Consider it a JOY Brothers...". LOL!

    sKally, perceived persecution BOO HOO Klass...

  • moomanchu

    superabundantly I likes to learneded new kult wurds.

    I gots one beter superduperabundantly

    Excellent commentary newbie WT Comments

  • WTWizard

    A comment to paragraph 7:

    Any rulership apart from Jehovah is doomed. Why? Because, every time man is starting to succeed in producing a working system, Jehovah steps in and disrupts it. Look what He did to the Greeks, the Canaanites, and Babel. Each time, man was about to succeed in developing a system that was equitable, and Jehovah stepped in and ruined it. This basically means that Jehovah will not give man a fair chance to run his own self without stepping in and destroying the system.

    Even where "peace and security" is called, it will be another shot that Jehovah will destroy in order that He not be embarrassed by man's succeeding in ruling himself without His tyranny. Peace and security will be called when it is within striking distance, meaning that it would have succeeded had Jehovah left his [a dirty word] paws off of it. Instead, in order to avoid being embarrassed and exposed as the Great Value Destroyer that He is, He will bring it to chaos and ruin its chances of success. Thus, Jehovah never gave man a fair chance.

  • Anti-Christ

    Why is it every time I read an article in the WT I get really aggressive and I want to go blow something up?

  • Awakened07

    Excellent commentary!

    -One thing I'd like to add when it comes to Jehovah's rule and him allowing mankind to 'experiment', is that according to the Bible (at least as JWs understand it), throughout the ages, Satan and his demons have been there - not trying to help us 'experiment', but doing their best to spread death, terror and destruction and to possess or at least influence politicians, dictators and other leaders into doing awful things. But can it then really be said that mankind has been given a fair chance at 'experimenting' when we've had this negative, supernatural influence all the time?

  • Awakened07


  • Robert222

    Seems mankind has had no peace, security, contentment because of both Jeh and Satan working together. When Moses showed Jehovah's power to Pharoah it was by the killing of every firstborn male child, is that a show of strength by God or Satan? Why hasn't God experimented with a peaceful community to show the difference between God and Satan? There has been no peace, even persons following God were met with death, destruction, like Jehovah killing David's newborn with Bathsheba. That's our examples of existing under god vs satan rulership.

    I think WT Comments brought out last week that our view of God and Satan will change.

  • blondie

    JWs are taught they are they are the only ones suffering for their faith.

    This website reports on religious persecution worldwide of all religions. It is amazing how when the WTS reports on persecution in certain countries they leave out the other religious groups that are being persecuted likewise for their faith.


  • SirNose586
    Why hasn't God experimented with a peaceful community to show the difference between God and Satan? There has been no peace, even persons following God were met with death, destruction, like Jehovah killing David's newborn with Bathsheba. That's our examples of existing under god vs satan rulership.

    That's what I thought. I mean, I tried, I really tried to buy into this whole flim-flam "universal sovereignty" doctrine, but I just don't get how they try to explain it. Ok, so man can't rule himself. Great. Well, then you cordon off half the world, or a small pocket, where it's just like tract-cover land. You wanna bet everyone joins that side? According to them, God is trying to get everyone on his plan. Well, fantastic--give everyone a test drive. If your promise is so great, but you can't demonstrate it for me, how can I trust you?

    Edit: Oh, btw thanks for pointing out the whole irony of this lesson. You know, the real suffering was hearing one of the elders give the summary at the CA.

  • 5go

    Do I see a touch of atheist thinking in this study?

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