Yes, Crumpet and others who have gone missing, I wish they would post now and then even if they have gone on to other things. I've been posting less than a year and a lot of people have come and gone.
by Gregor 23 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Trev,,,,,, Now Children you can count all these responses as "BACK_CALLS" send in your time sheet to the "UNFaithful & Dispicable Slave" at Brooklyn
Thanks Trev, Miss ya crumpy
Luv ya
tim hooper
I've sent Crumples a link to this thread, so I hope she responds.
It's not really my place to speak for her, except to say that she's alive, well and trying to study whilst on medication, and trying to study so she can get back to work.
Incidentally, I miss her too.....
Love you Crumpet! Hang in there!
Thank you everybody for thinking of me. As you can see and as has been already verified by dedpoet and timbo I am alive if not exactly kicking. At the moment I am kind of rendering myself no part of the world for our mutual safety, plus I'm not really in the right state of mind to contribute positively here just now. I hope you understand.
I'm not disliking my self imposed exile and as of today it will be 5 days since I last opened my mouth to speak or saw another live human being. I feel safer this way at present.
I am however looking forward to getting well so I can get back to work and then come to Dallas for the new year fest and i will be delighted to see any who can make it.
On the flip side I think in my prescribed medicated lucid dreaming state I think just conceivably I may have given birth to something overnight. Maybe. I hope so.
Thinking of you all fondly.
Nina x
Hi nina
(((((( Crumpet )))))))
I had no idea that you were unwell, Nina! How did I miss that?!
I hope you are on the road to recovery but sorry to hear you are isolated at the moment. Is there no one checking in on you to see if you are OK?
PM me if you want! I am sure there are many others here who would love to help you Nina!
Big Hugs and Big Kisses
Hey QL! not having a lie in? ;-)
Gill - i did post about it a little while ago - maybe July time. Will be in my topics history no doubt. Basically I've been prescribed a variety of drugs to try and get me sane and stop self harming. The first one made me into an insomniac and i dropped 20lbs in 4 or 5 weeks and I was just high all the time, but it was not a sane place to be and I put myself in harm's way more times than I care to remember and didnt come off completely unscathed from the experience of trusting strangers too naively but it could have been a lot worse and I wouldnt be posting now.
At this point in time I am on a different drug called Mitazapene or something which has opposite effect of drug number one and now I am eating way too much and sleeping maybe 19-20 hrs a day, well its like sleeping only its more like being paralyzed so I can think very quickly and my heart races and drums but my body feels paralyzed and I have to talk it into movement one eyelid and fingernail at a time. Its like dreaming but I am awake so its really my imagination. Very confusing and disorienting. I havent been to work since August and probably have failed my foundation part of my degree because on drug no 1 i couldnt hold a pen without shaking or sip tea without spilling it or read a whole line of a book without the words sliding off the page and into the never never, let alone hold a thought long enough to write it.
No one is checking on me really as I have my phones switched off. But I get the odd email from Hemp Lover and CHL and pokes on facebook from free2think and richie rich (where I am most likely to be found), so that keeps a connection with the outside world and I speak to Timbo every few days on msn so he knows I'm still alive.
Its really not as bad as it sounds - I was raised as a fundamentalist JW - therefore a natural introvert. Unfortunately now it seems I have ran out of the Funds and just become A Mentalist. (I am at this point restraining any insane laughter - no really! Keep the strait jackets away!)
Crumpet ((((((())))))). My depression meds were switched more times than I can count. Just hang in there; they will eventually get it right
Good to hear from you, though.