Do You Lose Things?

by compound complex 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings Friends,

    I'm a "loser." I needed a document the other day to complete a transaction and it was not in my "Important Papers" folder. Tearing the house apart calmly and quietly [this is a whole new me], I unearthed many other treasures. And cleaned house ...

    Do you lose things?

    Do you find things long ago lost?

    Do you clean house as a result of tearing it all apart?

    Off for the day ... hope you'll have something to share so I won't feel so bad!



  • JK666

    Yes, i am a loser in more ways than one!


  • Gregor

    The worst part is that when I'm looking for something and all I remember is that the last time I saw it I was saying to myself "I'll put this here so I'll know where it is".

  • journey-on

    I used to till I married Mr. Journey.

    You see, I was very organized on the outside. You walk in my house and it's clean and straight...everything in its place.

    Just DON'T open a drawer or closet though!! lol Crap stuffed in with no organization whatsoever.

    Mr. Journey, otoh, is messy on the outside but extremely organized behind the scenes. Files (with labels!!!), very neat

    drawers all organized, closets with shelves, extra storage cabinets for SPECIFIC things. He's amazing on the inside and I'm

    pretty amazing on the outside. Together we have discovered the secret to organization.

  • *summer*

    why do you think the saying "i would lose my head if it was not attached to my shoulders" is so popupar? yes, people lose things all the time. does NOT make them losers!

  • erynw

    I've lost my mind, my virginity, and my hair (three times).

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    I collect piles of 'things' then when I need to find something in particular, the piles get sorted out. This is especially paper documents and mail. I'm trying now to go paperless on most of my bills, statements and magazines so I should have less to collect soon.


    Summer- WELCOME - love your JOhn Lennon avatar.

    Well I was going to post about losing things but I've lost my thought.

  • *summer*

    thank you, awake&watching:-) i have always been and still am a john lennon fan. his song 'imagine' is considered my personal anthem and stands for all i believe. "you may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one. i hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one"

  • worldtraveller

    I left my wallet in my workpants last night. I had to go all the way back just to recover my id. Pretty stupid.

    Usually what I do is let others know what I did with something or write it down on a paper taped on my desk or whatever.

    Too many things going on.

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