Come on people! Can we inundate this paper with protests?

by Shawn10538 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • quietlyleaving

    Does anyone know if they normally print letters of protest online?

  • betterdaze

    quietlyleaving, reader responses are online here:


  • quietlyleaving

    thanks betterdaze - would someone please make that link active.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Live link - thanks Betterdaze, I'd saved it somewhere in my favourites list - 'somewhere' being the operative word lol!

    IP thanks! I guess my Yorkshire accent gets in the way sometimes!

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote, the realtor did not write the article!

    That's just her ad on the web page.

    The author is Kenneth M. Johnson.

    Please retract that innocent lady's contact info if you can? PLEASE!!!


    Done, although I knew the realtor did not write the article. I had to type in Johnson's name when I sent in my own rebuttal. I have my questions about innocent ladies, but never mind that.

  • NYCkid

    Simmer down

    This is what I sent:

    I am writing to respond to Mr. Johnson's article regarding Jehovah's Witnesses. Unless the article served as a free marketing opportunity for the Waynesville congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, the reporting was highly subjective and one-sided. In the interest of truth, had Mr. Johnson investigated more thoroughly, he would have discovered that the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses are not compatible with religious tolerance or intellectual reason.

    Since their only creed is the Bible, they interpret it literally regardless of conflicting interpretation of outside theologians, Bible scholars or modern mores. As a result, they believe that anyone who does not join their religion will perish very soon, at Armageddon which will mark the second return of Jesus Christ. Since there are just over seven million Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, billions of the world's inhabitants will die. I wonder if the residents of Waynesville appreciate how their Jehovah's Witness neighbors view them?

    Furthermore, their policy of disfellowshipping (a term not found in any Bible translation or version) is not a loving act and serves only to divide families based merely on the fact that one chooses to no longer practice the religions practices or beliefs. Parents, children and grandchildren are shunned by their own family members, many who have had no contact for years. In an age where a dramatic change in the nuclear family unit is taking place, their policy encourages family breakdown.

    I hope that Mr. Johnson will engage in more objective, fair and balanced reporting in the future.

  • JWdaughter

    HEY, I protested. I am not a wuss!

  • NvrKssdNObutt

    ok shawn

    i sent the paper an email ----do i get a pat on the back or a gold star?

    james t

  • snowbird

    Watchtower Society intereferes with Christianity

    To the editor:

    I was contacted by the Jehovah's Witnesses in the early 1970s. Having grown up in the Baptist Church and not knowing a lot about the Bible as a whole, I was impressed with their knowledge of the scriptures.

    I was drawn in by their talk of a coming paradise and all things being put right again. I was convinced that this was God's organization and that the Jehovah's Witnesses were doing His will.

    However, after being baptized into the organization, I grew increasingly disenchanted with their downplaying of Jesus and His role in our salvation. It was all about the Watchtower Society's being the faithful and discreet slave of Matthew 24:45-47.

    The Watchtower organization had, in effect, taken over as mediator. After I suffered a breakdown due to the inner turmoil with which I was struggling, I walked away from the Jehovah's Witnesses after 31 years.

    I am experiencing a sense of freedom that would never have been possible had I stayed within that organization. The Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian because the Watchtower Society is standing in the way of their having a one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ.


    The above is my letter that I sent to the paper. I listed a misleading city just in case. However, I've instructed the person at the given address to contact me if the paper tries to get in touch with me.


  • purplesofa

    i dont see my letter, so I guess they just choose which ones will be published


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