I wonder if the courts could ever order the release of all DF people
I thought of this from a letter I wrote to a newspaper in NC
I dont know what circumstances it would be, but It could prove very interesting I am sure.
have been a Jehovahs Witness for over twenty years.
While your reporting is very informative, there is alot more to know about Jehovahs Witnesses.
First of all, disfellowshipping. How many people have you talked to that are disfellowshipped that have refused help? These very people are being shunned by friends and family members. Three men have decided the very fate of this persons life. Whether their decision is right or wrong, it is respected by the members of the entire worldwide organization.
These men, we are taught, are appointed by holy spirit, poured from the very throne of Jehovah. These are imperfect men that make mistakes, commit "sins" themselves, are caught up in the same world as the rest of us. There judgement is not always fair, accurate, or loving.
YET, as stated in this article, it is a loving arrangement.
I challenge you to some investigative reporting and interview ten disfellowshipped people and tell me what your conclusion is then.Respectfully,
I sent this letter ..........