Release of all Disfellowshipped Names

by purplesofa 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    I wonder if the courts could ever order the release of all DF people

    I thought of this from a letter I wrote to a newspaper in NC

    I dont know what circumstances it would be, but It could prove very interesting I am sure.

    have been a Jehovahs Witness for over twenty years.
    While your reporting is very informative, there is alot more to know about Jehovahs Witnesses.
    First of all, disfellowshipping. How many people have you talked to that are disfellowshipped that have refused help? These very people are being shunned by friends and family members. Three men have decided the very fate of this persons life. Whether their decision is right or wrong, it is respected by the members of the entire worldwide organization.
    These men, we are taught, are appointed by holy spirit, poured from the very throne of Jehovah. These are imperfect men that make mistakes, commit "sins" themselves, are caught up in the same world as the rest of us. There judgement is not always fair, accurate, or loving.
    YET, as stated in this article, it is a loving arrangement.
    I challenge you to some investigative reporting and interview ten disfellowshipped people and tell me what your conclusion is then.



    I sent this letter ..........

  • purplesofa

    ok dumb idea

    I wonder if anyone is writing a book on Disfellowshipping among Jehovahs Witnesses. about this loving arrangement.

    gonna take a nap, I think i need one



  • JK666


    I would like that list. to compare notes with friends.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Unfortunately, I've known some disfellowshipped people who thought they deserved it.

  • coffee_black

    I've been thinking lately that it would make an interesting book to compile a number of stories of people currently being shunned because of the religion. There are certainly enough stories on this forum alone to fill a book.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    My brother is DFed. He will be back into the truth, as soon as he is able to quit smoking, living with a lady, etc.....

  • purplesofa
    Unfortunately, I've known some disfellowshipped people who thought they deserved it.

    of course ...........just curious to hear the stats on those that needed and wanted help and those that DF was a relief, and those that just plain knew what they were doing was wrong as opposed to being weak.


  • oompa

    Hi Purple. I got into another (bad) discussion/argument about 20+ things with my wife this weekend. When I mentioned something about "disfellowshipping" she quickly reminded me "We" do not use that term anymore. The bye-bye announcement just states that so and so is no longer one of JW's.

    So I wonder how future articles will refer to them? No word, just people who used to be witnesses but now arent? That would include faders like me. I sure wish these "formers" (hey maybe that will be the new word) could just be treated like everyone not a witness. That would at least be a huge improvement.


  • ex-nj-jw

    It would be interesting how many felt they deserved it and those that didn't!

    I've always had the opinion that whether a person deserves it or not, what makes it ok for 3 men that eat, sleep and $#!! the same way I do to punish a grown man or woman for what that person chooses to do with his or her personal life? It's ridiculous to give that much authority to some organization over your life and the choices you make!

    I hate this religion and everthing about it.



    oompa, FORMERS? *heehee* That's too funny. I have a hunch that all congregations have a nationwide list of the inactive and DF ones. I just have that gut feeling.


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