Whenever I used to get hassled for not pioneering, I love passing along this little nugget of wisdom: "Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone in the congregation pioneered? No one would make any money to put in the contribution box, donate for gas, or buy groceries for the pioneers! Everyone would starve!"
A good reply to the "pioneer or you're nothing" crowd.
by B_Deserter 14 Replies latest jw experiences
True, though the jw gospel that is preached by the pioneers is useless or rather damaging there wouldn't be any families and new children born if everyone was a pioneer. The JWs would live in an unnatural world. That's what Rutherford wanted and left many dub couples childless as they ended up being used by the WTS to further its interests.
good point. Imagine McDonalds, they'd be packed full every morning. There went those contributions. Sometimes Mac's Lounge was more important than that contribution box, *heehee*
"Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone in the congregation pioneered? No one would make any money to put in the contribution box, donate for gas, or buy groceries for the pioneers! Everyone would starve!"
There would be no one left to "support" the pioneers. I wonder where they would get their food, shoes, transportation ... Certianly they won't be able to depend on OTHER pioneers!
I guess I had the wrong attitude when I was a witness. I never really had much respect for the pioneers. I always
thought it was an excuse not to get a job. I was NEVER impressed with them. My feeling was "if you're a pioneer,
you're nothing."
Absolutely true!
I always thought it was an excuse not to get a job.
I totally supported myself when I pioneered. But I'm angry that I wasn't allowed to get a good education.
Sorry, if my comment was offensive to ex-pioneers. It's just the way I used to feel.
I totally supported myself when I pioneered
If you pioneered, plus worked to support yourself, and by that I mean you alone paid your rent or mortgage,
utilities, car note, insurance, groceries, clothes, etc. etc. with no help from anybody...even NOT living at home
off of your parents, then I applaud you.
Alligator Wisdom
When I'm approached or introduced to a JW who I never met before and this person asks me, "Are you a pioneer?" My usual reply is, "Are you asking me if I report 17.5 hours a week in the ministry?" Of course, this will embarass quite a few and they will change the subject.
However, for the few who are stuck-up elitist pioneers and are proud of it and they will answer my reply in the affirmative by them saying "YES", they do put in 17.5 hours a week. Then my reply would be, "Are you donating your contributions regularly? If so, then how much are you donating?" Many will get gruff and say that it isn't my business.
I would say, "Exactly!" and then tell them that they never aparently read Matthew 6:2-4. I then would remark, "If you read this scripture and understood the principle of it, then this ridiculous and irrelevant conversation would never have been started by you." They then would smile sheepishly while trying to either pretend to know that scripture or to get away and find someone else to talk to. Before anything else, I'd find a copy of the Bible right then and there and hand it to them and have them read it right in front of me.
The chuckle I get from this is that they never got their initial question answered from me. That is what frustrates those haughty pioneers. And yes, they never come back and talk to me. They know that the scriptures I can pull out will bite them too hard.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
Justitia Themis
Alligator...I wish you were in my hall!