Nobody called all Christians "fundies". Fundies is a shortened term for fundamentalists. A reasonable assessment of American politics in the past few election cycles has shown that the fundamentalist / evangelical branch of Chrisitanity has aligned itself with conservative politicians in various forms (Moral Majoriy and various groups with "Family" in their name) to try to convince Americans that this is a "Christian" nation and that only people whose stated "values" align with certain fundamental / evangelical beliefs deserve to be elected.
They also tend to hypocrites.
Some one said I can remember who, "fascism would enter the US draped in a flag and holding a cross".
Much like it has in other countries it always hold it's self to be the right and just way and every thing else that does not hold to the right and just way as the Great E---vil !!!
Even if the parties have nothing in common and don't get along the are all the same great evil.
This is another reason I stop listening to the right.