Whether they call it a prophecy or calculating when a prophecy would be fulfilled it makes little difference since in practice through these they enticed and messed up the lives of millions of people.
settle this argument...have JW's ever said they prophicied about anything?
by oompa 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here you go oompah
Millions Now Living Will Never Die, 1925 p. 88-90
The chief thing to be restored is the human race to life; and since other Scriptures definitely fix the fact that there will be a resurrection of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and other faithful ones of old, and that these will have the first favor, we may expect 1925 to witness the return of these faithful men of Israel from the condition of death, being resurrected and fully restored to perfect humanity and made the visible, legal representatives of the new order of things on earth.. They are to be resurrected as perfect men and constitute the princes or rulers in the earth .. Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection.. A simple calculation of these jubilees brings us to this important fact: Seventy jubilees of fifty years each would be a total of 3500 years. That period of time beginning 1575 years before A.D. 1 of necessity would end in the fall of 1925, at which time the type ends and the great anti type must begin. What, then, should we expect to take palace? In the type there must be a full restoration; beginning of restoration of all things.
The Way To Paradise (book) 1924 p.228
[By 1925] You will have secured the services of the best decorators you can find. Some of them used to be undertakers; but since there are no more people dying, they have had to seek some new occupation. Their experience as undertakers prepared them to become decorators with very little difficulty.
Plenty more here
Proclaimers - 631 >
"Based on the premise that events of the first century might find parallels in related events later, they also concluded that if Jesus’ baptism and anointing in the autumn of 29 C.E. paralleled the beginning of an invisible presence in 1874, then his riding into Jerusalem as King in the spring of 33 C.E. would point to the spring of 1878 as the time when he would assume his power as heavenly King. They also thought they would be given their heavenly reward at that time. When that did not occur, they concluded that since Jesus’ anointed followers were to share with him in the Kingdom, the resurrection to spirit life of those already sleeping in death began then. It was also reasoned that the end of God’s special favor to natural Israel down to 36 C.E. might point to 1881 as the time when the special opportunity to become part of spiritual Israel would close.
In the lecture "Millions Now Living Will Never Die," delivered by J. F. Rutherford on March 21, 1920, at the Hippodrome in New York City, attention was directed to the year 1925. On what basis was it thought to be significant? In a booklet published in that same year, 1920, it was pointed out that if 70 full Jubilees were calculated from what was understood to be the date when Israel entered the Promised Land (instead of starting after the last typical Jubilee before the Babylonian exile and then counting to the beginning of the Jubilee year at the end of the 50th cycle), this could point to the year 1925. On the basis of what was said there, many hoped that perhaps the remaining ones of the little flock would receive their heavenly reward by 1925. This year also was associated with expectations for resurrection of faithful pre-Christian servants of God with a view to their serving on earth as princely representatives of the heavenly Kingdom. If that really occurred, it would mean that mankind had entered an era in which death would cease to be master, and millions then living could have the hope of never dying off the earth. What a happy prospect! Though mistaken, they eagerly shared it with others."
They use careful words, "mistakes" "many hoped for" etc - the manage to admit mustakes with apparent candour but still demand the total belief of the flock , until they themselves change it - There is a lot mor in the same vein in the Proclaimers Book
They use careful words, "mistakes" "many hoped for" etc - the manage to admit mustakes with apparent candour but still demand the total belief of the flock , until they themselves change it - There is a lot more in the same vein in the Proclaimers Book
It's interesting that their "candor" regarding their mistaken beliefs is on page 631 of the Proclaimer's Book. How many JW's do you know have read that far in the book? How much do they use this book during the meetings? Years ago, we used its predecessor, "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose" in the ministry school, and the sisters were systematically assigned talks every week until the end of the book. I haven't heard that they ever use the Proclaimers book at any of the meetings--I think they're afraid to.
They used to use the Proclaimer's book during the ministry school not long after it was released, although since I haven't been to the meetings in years so I don't know if they still do or not.