Thanks, I appreciate all the hard work!
"Millions Now Living Will Never Die" 1920 booklet - searchable PDF
by jwfacts 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks...I added it to my growing collection..
Thank You, JW Facts. Its great that you take such care keeping us ahead of the pack. Invaluable information. Thanks again!!!
Great job with the scanning! This is definitely something all JWs should see as most of them have no idea what the Society really taught about this. Thanks, jwfacts!!
Johnny Cip makes a good point. The talk "Millions ..." was first in 1918. The booklet was released 1920. This doctrine was an important focus of the special conventions in the 1920's that the current Revelation book discusses. This is before and after the apparent "cleansing" of the Watchtower Society in 1919. From 1919 the WTS supposedly went forth preaching truth, cleansed from Christendoms lies. Yet this booklet shows was still perpetuating one of their biggest lies and failures - the 1925 earthly resurrection. This booklet is great for showing the claims for 1919 are baseless.
To see how intense the preaching of the "Millions" message was, check out this site:
It contains newsclippings that the Bible Students placed into newspapers of the era. Click on the bookmarks page of the file and you can see which newspapers the scans are from. This is the message JWs were preaching after their supposed appointment in 1919. It was an incessant message over and over again. Until nothing happened in 1925 and then it was quietly shoved under the carpet.
They are great ads in the newspaper Cabasilas. They do not mention the date 1925, but one of them says that the earthly resurrection would begin "in the next few years". That claim was made over 80 years ago. I don't know how a JW justifies so blatantly wrong statements to themselves. I remember meeting people when witnessing who would say the end is going to come on a specific date and all my JW friends thought they were nuts.
I just downloaded this book and while reading on page 13 I found the following quote:
Simply amazing contradiction with reality...
Millions now living... page 13
We invite the reader, therefore, to examine each point carefully as here made, compare the argument
with the scriptures cited, and view the same in the light of present day events which
are discernible to all eyes, and upon all this evidence reach a conclusion.
Every man should be persuaded in his own mind and no man should permit himself to be deterred from examining a
question based upon the Bible because a clergyman or any one else makes the unsupported assertion
that it is dangerous or unworthy of consideration.
Error always seeks the dark, while truth is always enhanced by the light. Error never desires to be investigated.
Light always courts a thorough and complete investigation. Light and truth are synonymous.
They are progressive, and "the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto
the perfect day". (Proverbs 4 : 18) The Psalmist plainly tells us: "Thy word is a lamp nnto my feet, and a light nnto my path".-Psalm
119 : 105.