All the talk of legal ramifications got me thinking about this one. Your thoughts?
Were We Members of a Religion or Free Labor for a Publishing Company?
by journey-on 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'll go with the FREE LABOR and NO fringe benefits.
Golf -
The latter - free labour. Not totally free - 'publishers' work for ongoing false prophesies and pay with their lives/freedom.
I don't think most of the rules made any sense from the Scriptural point of view. For instance, where is the scripture that says that men need to wear a suit and tie, no matter how hot it is, or that they need a WHITE dress shirt? Where does the Bible say that women need to wear a dress that is a certain length, with no pants no matter how cold it gets (and with panty hose, no matter how hot)? Where in the Bible is there a part that says that the apostles turned in monthly slips that stated how many hours of field circus, placements, and studies they did?
I have seen one MLM that has pretty similar structures to the Witlesses. They give you a button and a pre-worded message to give to all would-be distributors. However, even though this was blatantly a business, there was no hounding for people to do ever more. There was also no strict dress code, and no code of conduct 24/7. For sure, I would say that the Witlesses are free labor--with a set of strict rules to squeeze every last bit out of them.
JW's form of worship vs. other churches:
After being in a few other churches after leaving the Borg, I have discoverd, they don't even know how to worship properly. I can't consider them a religion at all. They are just a mind-controlling organization out for the $$$$. Not allowing us to participate in the things that cost money, e.g. holidays, school, birthdays, and charities, is enough proof there that they are only out for the $$$$. I'm surprised they didn't ban cars, but...they needed us to have cars to do their profit making sales. We were even discouraged from buying a home back in the early 80's. I'm glad we chose not to listen to them in that case. *ugh*
BTW, as long as nobody does anything about it, nothing will change. They will forever continue to manipulate, abuse, take advantage of and brainwash the world.
Speaking of cars, Linda, we were expected to buy an appropriate automobile for field service and use it to "sell" their rags.
Instead of compensating us for mileage and wear and tear on our vehicles, they made us feel like it was all for Jehovah, but
we were expected to put in a certain number of hours and place a certain amount of literature to "get promotions" (eldership, MS, etc.)
oooops....I forgot about that. Well, I guess it was easy for me to forget, because we bought 2 door vehicles because of our children being young. They came first for us over the Borg.
Homerovah the Almighty
Quite right the slaves were manipulated and exploited by god's publishing house the WTS.
The lies and deceit was an act of coercion that rendered them power and control
and free labor, but in hindsight this isn't really dissimilar than other religious groups
It just that the JWS have such a strong commercial aspect and agenda
It's their kingdom now 6 million strong and a billion dollars rich, no wonder the boys in Brooklyn are always seen smiling.