it's all about image, too. There was a bit in that scan about not letting the JWs with whom one associates think that everything is still the same at home once someone has been disfellowshipped. What a load of nit-picking rule-making selfish people. It seems to me that someone who is in serious enough trouble to get disfellowshipped needs help not ostracism. But that religion makes no sense anyway. I think the basis of the religion is hate, anger, superiority - they are taught it is OK not to love. Makes it really easy to just cut people out of their lives without looking back.
I need help -- What is the WT stance?
by reneeisorym 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
This is one area where it's difficult to pin them. You get the most up to date stand on the issue, and they change the rules. I have heard that they have tightened up on disfellowshipped people within the past few years, but they garbled specifically what changed to make tracking it impossible. And, if you think it's bad now, just wait until the Kool-Aid rags start coming out next year. Once that happens, the new light can flash more often than those flashing Christmas lights on your tree.
Sarah Smiles
Interesting that scripture only says fornicator and greedy person! That is a laugh because that excludes most people that are DFd or apostates! because they are not fornicators or greedy people. How many JDUBs are greedy? lack charity? So if one is not greedy then they are giving,charitable which is love! Ok so the Jehovah Witness do not have food,clothing banks, or give to the poor! LOL oh boy!
Opps! I forgot about [gross sins] but the point is still there! LOL
Anyone who is feeling the sadness and pain that the disfellowshipped relative has thus caused may find comfort and be encouraged by the example set by some of Korah's relatives.—Psalm 84:10-12.
One day I might tell my poor sad lunatic mum that she should be encouraged by the example of Korah's relatives.