Hi Kent: The USA system provides Welfare for any citizen, regardless of race. And with that medical care. But, an able bodied person is expected to find work and not suck at the tits of society forever. Pull their own weight - if they can. In addition to federal and state systems, we have many private and religious aid, places to get food, clothing, shelter, and a new start. There are also job training, and other provisions for the economically downtrodden.
Given that we are not a socialist or communist country where the government nurtures, cuddles, and coos us with big government care and basking. We have to also be adults and avail ourselves of opportunities and do our best to move forward.
Many foreign people who move here are shocked at all the provisions and opportunities, and as a result they work, save money, invest and get ahead. They tell Americans that we don't know how good we have it. So, I have to assume that the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, germans, French, Mexican, Russians, Ukraines, Poles, Italians, Spanards, etc., etc. who say these things to me must know what they are talking about.
generally, America is not hated, nor are Americans. But, frankly, I no longer care if some don't like us and bitch about us. They have things about their countries that suck just as bad or worse.
BTW: Did you see my post to you earlier today? It is buried down about 3 or maybe four pages by now. - Amazing