My brother always had a saying "roy, your going to the top!"
In response I tell him "Yep and when I get there I'll jump!"
by journey-on 28 Replies latest jw friends
My brother always had a saying "roy, your going to the top!"
In response I tell him "Yep and when I get there I'll jump!"
Your zeal is commendable, Tigerman. You may be a bit overzealous in your youthful exuberance, however.
One must prove himself in the sales field first by selling and recruiting others and learning the ropes, so to speak.
We are looking for production first! Then we can talk about THE BIG CHEESE positions (no...not those positions!)
YES!! Memario
hmmm, my mother used to say the same thing about me being set in my ways. Only she called it pigheaded and stiff-necked. I think I'll pass on the sales pitch, but all the best to you, just the same. May I recommend you start your religion by positioning yourself and your sales force outside the local KH to recruit those already brain-dead?
Yes, indeed, Hortensia. Thank you for the suggestion. The JWs already have 99% of the "qualities" I'm looking for.
(I'm putting you down in my book, BTW, and will call back on you at a later date. I can't leave any stone unturned.) lol
Dear J-O,
Will there be any children at your sales meetings, and if so, could I become the head babysitter if I join?
Michael Porter.
Well, Mr. Porter,
Your love of children is commendable. I can see you have the same attitude as did the Great Master, Jesus when
he said "suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kindgdom of heaven".
However, Mr. Porter, children are not in separate classes. We stick them right in there with the grown-up
salesmen. This practice indoctrinates them early on in the ways of the New Way and we can give them adult
status as early as age 8! If you would like, once you have proven a top salesman and reached a status worthy of
being a group leader, we have no reason to forbid them to come unto you. Surely, one who has proven himself
so worthy would be a wonderful mentor for these young ones. No further background check needed if you have
already proven yourself through your salesmanship.
that's where it gets into the dark side, isn't it?
Now, Hortensia. Did you not notice? I am a Jedi. There will be no talk of the Dark Side. The mere mention of it
will put a stain on my image of running a clean organization, so therefore, we will not speak about any Dark Side.
After all, image is everything. Don't you agree?