I Have three days left of my two week notice working my job. In March, I will have been there five years. I took this job, after many years of thinking the end would come soon, keeping jobs that had no future or retirement..........I thought i would retire from this job.
I put my two weeks notice in without having another job lined up. Im leaving hurt and pissed off. My other co-worker and I have been used and mistreated. Her time with the company is eight years. She interviews for a job today. She is leaving as well.
We are both not married, She is single with no children, I am divorced with five children. Women like us in the workplace, seem to have it extra rough. We are constantly in fear of what not having a job means for us. It is our sole livlihood.
As my time here comes to a close, I think how hard I have worked and unappreciated it has been. New young ones are coming on board with whole different value systems than us that are more seasoned. The lack of respect for expericance and just someone "older and wiser" baffles me.
The doctors I work for, greed is rampant. It hurts to see so many men younger than myself, not satisified with incomes close to a million dollars a year. Although most of these docs are very nice, I see the older ones leaving and the new blood coming in, again with a different value system.
The value of a secretary lessons with each new gadget Lexmark or Word or computer system that comes to the market. We can sail along fine and when a real human is needed the cost of that person outweighs the profits.
Its easier to use up reams of paper on the printer, printing off unnecessary reports than to pay someone to configure the software to have it stop printing.
There are times I have sat for hours with nothing to do, wasting time, getting paid, all the while thinking this is one of the very reasons hospitol bills are so high.
Mismanagement of peoples time and skills, pouring out thousands of dollars daily adding to the cost of bills to us the patients, the customers.
The so called educated people running the show, while degrees in common sense are ignored.
The treatment of employees can be very abusive, the changing over of higher ups, presidents, CEO's, managers, Human resource managers, all with their new ideas how to run things, discounting the very people that have churned out the work day after day, month after month, year after year.
The loss of a job can be very grevious. No matter how good or bad it was, no matter how good or bad the future job is. There is a networking of people, the family you form, that most I will never see again in my life. Many will not know I am gone, not even hardly a notice.
We can take for granted the sameness and security of seeing the same person behind a desk.
I and my co-worker fell victim to our superiors lack of taking care of a problem and now they are in a scramble to cover their asses.
We are not the problem, it will raise its head again. But for now, they have a band aid, a bit of insurance that there jobs are secure a little bit longer.
I did not want to be looking for another job right now. Wintertime coming up, my daughter three months away from having a baby. I will probably have to move from loss of income into something more financially managable. Its just the realities of life.
I felt it necessary to walk away from the bullshit, I could not support my energy, talent, life experiance to a company that will use me and discard me. I see many that do not care about integrity anymore. Get the most out of it all and not worry about the long term consequences.
Everytime someone rips off the hospitol of valuable time that is needlessly paid out for no service at all, everytime they take the money and run, it cost all of us untold dollars in health care.
While the government lets that happen.......daily patients come in on the Medicare program with sickness and illness that could have been prevented long before now with proper care and money management early on. Being sick is big business.
I wish I had never known this, it has made me a person I did not want to become. More cynical, paranoid, angry and hurt than ever over the easy clever way we all are victimized.
It turns my stomach that I commited to giving a two weeks notice.
Thanks for letting me get this rant out.
edited to add: I wish I had walked out..........without a notice, I really do not regret quitting.