Does Gilead have any accreditation?

by journey-on 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • journey-on

    Thanks, Blondie. You are a veritible walking encyclopedia of JW information!!! (and most appreciated)

  • zack

    I thought there was a "graduate" from Gilead on this board?

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    a little off topic. but years ago when i was in full swing heavily debating every elder they could find. a few times they brought in some bethelites, most of them were older not kids. at least once maybe more . they were bragging about this guy from gilead and how he would set me straight. in less than an hour I had him and some other bethelite elder admitting to false prophecies of 1874, 1914 and 1925. all while 4 local elders sat there and watched their hero's from bethel get their CLOCKS CLEANED. THEY promised to come back next week and have another go with me. when i got to the hall next week , they wouldn't even let me in . even tho i was invited. so much for their gilead school, they didn't know crap... john

  • Guest39

    It is my understanding that accreditation merely means that you teach what you say you teach and that placement is in the field of study. I came across this definition a while back when there was an article in a local newspaper that a college that taught palm reading or its ilk was credit in SW USA because their courses matched their published program and students were finding jobs as 'psychics.' My two cents worth.
    <br TC

  • coffee_black

    I don't believe so... they would also have to teach science, math etc. to be able to award any type of a degree. I've attached my uncle's report card to show the subjects they have to take... of course that was in the an antique at this point.


  • VM44

    Very interesting. Thank you for posting that report card.

    Were there 4 quarters total for the whole course?

    Would you happen to have your Uncle's report card for the first two quarters as well? It would be useful to know all the subjects that made up the Gilead course of study.

    I have typed out the subject list for easier reading.


    Watchtower Bible School of Gilead

    Report Card


    Third Quarter


    Theocratic Records

    Supreme Law

    Bible Research

    Scriptural Facts

    Language - English


    Fourth Quarter


    Theocratic Ministry

    Bible Themes

    Bible Research

    Scriptural Facts

    Language - English

  • 4mylove

    I find it interesting that the grades are

    A= excellent





    I thought F was failing

    Maybe the F is handed out for "Fellowship, you just barely made it but you listen and follow well like a puppy, We'll let you in now."

  • coffee_black

    VM44, I believe it's on the other side of the card. I'll have to dig it out...have to remember where I put it first. I have my aunt's as well. Here's a picture of them in front of Gilead as well as a group of me I believe were some of the teachers. I was just a little kid at the I don't remember the names...


  • 4mylove

    Sounds like Gilead it like wanting to go to Disney and ending up at a carnival!!!!! Sorry couldn't help myself! Bit of a smart a$$.

  • BabaYaga

    Coffee Black, that report card and those photos were PRICELESS! Thank you so much for sharing them!


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