I think there is one at my hospital because of what a coworker said one time in reference to blood doctrine. Is this possible? I can't imagine them going into medicine with all the time it requires, between school, residency, etc. Just wondering
Are there any known JW doctors?
by 4mylove 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes there are JW doctors. The majority of them were doctors who converted to JW-ism. (Same with JW lawyers.)
JW's who choose vocations often have to resort to carpet-laying, window-washing, or janitorial services (sanitation engineering).
There was one in Houston in the 80's when I lived there. I don't recall his name. I also knew a baptized JW in the early 80's who was pre-med in college. He said he wanted to be a doctor at Bethel and was very smart, so school would be easy for him. He got encouragement from elders to go to college. I don't know if he ever finished school.
There is the Dr that lives at Bethel. Walter something.
Doctor WHO was a dub....just look at him....oompa
If I remember correctly.."Mulan`s" Dad was a Doctor...OUTLAW
Growing up in NJ there was a doc who was a witness. I think his name was Dean Roylance.
There's a psychologist who's a witness/elder in SanFernando Valley CA: Larry Onoda
Aud, that is scary, how do you all a JW psychiatrist would dispense treatment. Would he hand out watchtower, and awakes?
Aud, that is scary, how do you all a JW psychiatrist would dispense treatment. Would he hand out watchtower, and awakes?
Actually there was apparently significant conflict. In my opinion, he was marginally effective in each role because one pretty much negated the other. However there is one time when the two roles colided: For example, a young girl in a neighboring congregation confided to a friend of mine that she had been abused by a family member. My friend was taking psych classes and had seen the brother professionally with her own children - so she decided to take the info to him in confidence. He was LIVID that she chose him because as an elder he did not have to report to the authorities but as a licensed psychologist, reporting was mandatory. It was one of my friend's last meetings. Before that happened she had a few discussions with him regarding therapy and inadvertently caught him in a catch 22. I don't remember the details but it had to do with the 'Elder' saying be in submission, read the bible, go in service. The 'Therapist' said: Get your education, protect your children, find a hobby. He was helpful to me but not too in depth. When I saw him professionally, he did not tell me to treat my depression by spending more time in service. He referred me to someone who could prescribe medication. Also encouraged me to look to others for support and assistance and not take everything on my self. As an elder he did not help me with serious family issues. My real needs were not the congregation's concerns. Odd. Seems like a lifetime ago... -Aude. -
I remember one in the 70's that was DF'd from the Fife WA hall.