Good post, coco.
I think the purpose now is the same held by all organizations...
self-perpetuation, at all costs.
by compound complex 23 Replies latest jw friends
Good post, coco.
I think the purpose now is the same held by all organizations...
self-perpetuation, at all costs.
Not for me to judge anyone(s) motives or motive, even as the quote says "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"
However, the facts and the juror is in,
As Christ said you would be able to recognize those men by their fruitage, failed prophecies or "their interpretations" is better put, broken families, suicide driven by shunning to an unbilical degree, child molestation cases settled and many more on the books, hypocrisy to an unbelievable measure, immorality as any other religion has, judging the whole world of mankind and the job is better suited by God's appointed Son, building wealth beyond our comprehesion, meddling in others lives, distorting Biblical teachings on the "Good News" which is Christ died for us, not a kingdom centered around Kingdom heirs, going above the things written, the list goes on and on.
Dont know what they feel their purpose REALLY IS, but the fruitage speaks louder than words
"Show me a sermon, dont tell me one"
The sole purpose is to preserve assets of the society.
Thank you, Never and Avid and Dorktac and Gopher and others who have posted [but whose names I've forgotten]:
Your participation and comments are much appreciated. You never know who might be reading and benefiting ...
Ray Franz has opened up a world of good and healing - little did he know.
Just like the other crooks at Oral Robertson University (who were caught with their hands in the cookie jar) and are once again in trouble, the sole purpose is to make money and control people (to make even more money).
I have often wondered why the Watchtower society refrains from television broadcasts. Is it because they have something to hide??
sorry--- Oral Roberts- spelling error.
I would think that WTBTS has a dim view of TV all together. Why you could channel surf and find TBN where all the apostate freaks are . I am waiting for the official ban on TV .
Yes - "the sole purpose" now being self-perpetuation [or survival?].
Thank you, all ...
Per VM44's request ........ BTTT
Thank you compound complex.
I always like to read about anything Fred Franz said or wrote.
He was in many ways the "theocratic spark" that made the Watchtower interesting.
The Watchtower has become somewhat dull in the last 25 or so years since Fred died.