My mom called me this morning and in the course of the conversation I enquired about her boss' wifes health - she was recently diagnosed with cancer.
My mom told me and then launched into the whole, "oh how I wish Armageddon would come" speech - "Just imagine princess, how good it will be to see Granny and Grampa (neither of whom were witnesses btw) and how good it will be if people dont suffer "(refering to the woman with cancer - also not a witness btw) and so on - "oh how I wish you would come back" (somehow these other people will be there and I won't? WTF? I kept saying if it comes"if it comes mom, if it comes", and she just didn't hear me or maybe wouldn't hear me. She told me how she wakes up each day and says Jehovah - today would be a good day for the end to come!
Nothing like stating the morning with a prophesy of doom from Mommy!