any takers?
by badboy 10 Replies latest jw friends
The Lone Ranger
What I have always really wanted to ask a CO or DO is if they knew about Charles Russell, 1914 & the pyramids. I sometimes wonder if they really knew where he got that date from, I’m sure that there must be one or two that do know and how do they feel about still teaching the Lie, they’ll probably just say the usual "wait on Jehovah…" thingy.
Why did you never try to answer my questions I had about the JW's interpretation of the Bible but just yell at me "Do you want to be a JW or not?!" and turn red?
How much does Satan pay??
how many pedophiles are your close friends....... and how many times have you touched a child inappropriately?
found out that this new co in my old a complete A h0le...... he went around yelling at all ms and elders who work second shift or on the weekends thus neglecting their families and threatned to remove them(PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)
his reasoning........... he wanted to see them jump and react, what kind of attitude would they have. would it be an attitude of anger for him interfearing or would it be a humble one of repentance (FOR FEEDING THEIR DAMN FAMILIES)
my question to him would be....... if the society quit paying your salary............. what shift at the factory could your sorry a$$ work?
aligot ripounsous
Jehovah of old told the Israelites that children sacrificing, such as what Canaanites were practicing, never came up to his heart. Will he really need to get 600 millions babies under age 4 slaughtered in order to get 6 million JWs pass A ? Or could it be that JW's god is not Jehovah ? Lingering question.
I'd like to know how they can sleep at night, when they are leading one of the most evil organizations ever.
38 Years
I wanted to know how they can justify breezing into town and making judgements on congregations. All they do is look at the congo's statistics and then lecture everyone on how bad they are doing. Must be a real power trip!
I wouldn't mind asking "seriously now, do you actually believe all this crap?"
do you actually believe all this crap?"
How much income do you report do the irs at the end of the year?