What was WTBTS giving as counsel to parents with disabled children in 60's?

by sf 20 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • sf

    My search and re-search is to know THIS issue fully and gain all insight as to what parents of disabled children were being told when it came to ANY FURTHER TREATMENT and/ or prognosis; surgery, therapy, medication and such.

    I will, of course, look at WT official site to see what is there. Yet, I'm hoping I get everything I need, right here, with those that know what was being taught on this issue in the 60's and 70's up until now.

    Thank you.


  • BluesBrother

    I have no references to quote. As I recall, the official line on treatment has always been broadly the same as it is today. 1] It the parents responsibility to make the best decisions 2] Such decisions are personal and they do not comment further, as long as any treatment does not contravene the "present truth" of Bible understanding . 3] Pray hard and remember that the real solution is the New World that really soon.

  • jacethespace

    i dont really have an answer to your question but working as a support worker for disabled people i often have asked elders about salvation for people who are to disabled to learn the truth.The answer i got was that god will probably save them but he will judge those that deserve it.

  • sf

    3] Pray hard and remember that the real solution is the New World that really soon.

    Yes. This is par though.

    I need any literature and/ or documents stating specifics on how and what jw parents of disabled children were "counseled on" when it came to "further treatment(s)", here in the real world. Not the Watchtower's "New World".

    There must be something.

    I do find it interesting, in a funny way, why none of the ones who are so knowledgable about everything the Watchtower writes, have not assisted me here, yet.

    sKally, benefit of The Doubt, Klass

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey sKally,

    I couldn't find anything relevant before 1981. Here's an Awake article from 1981.

    Hope this helps.

    Open Mind

    *** g81 12/22 pp. 9-10 Why Are Some Babies Born Deformed? ***

    Why Are Some Babies Born Deformed?

    AFTER giving birth, the mother was told that her son had a birth defect and would soon be totally blind. The mother reported: ‘The shock caused me to start questioning God’s justice. Why should a helpless little child suffer? I looked after myself healthwise before and after pregnancy. Why did it happen to me?’ Earth wide it is estimated that one out of every 20 babies is born with some deformity. Many anguished parents wonder . . .

    Does God Cause It?

    Absolutely not! Though many feel that such tragedies are “God’s will” or that he is punishing the parents for some past sin, the Bible, God’s Word, shows that such is not the case.

    For instance, Jesus’ disciples asked why a certain man was born blind. They asked Jesus: “Who sinned, this man or his parents, so that he was born blind?” Jesus then made clear that birth defects are not a punishment from God, saying: “Neither this man sinned nor his parents.”—John 9:1-3.

    What Is Responsible?

    There is a variety of causes of birth defects. At times they occur because of a mix-up in the baby’s microscopic chromosomes or genes. This may or may not have been inherited from the parents. However, the Textbook of Medicine states: “In most malformations no major factor can be identified, and it can be presumed that their existence is due to the complicated interaction of genetic and environmental influences or to special rare genetic combinations.”

    Some factors believed to play a role in causing birth defects include: illness or exposure of the mother to certain diseases during pregnancy, radiation injury, chemical pollution, drugs (even some considered safe during pregnancy), excessively large quantities of some vitamins, malnutrition, improper diet, certain living conditions, age of mother, race, and even the season of birth. Frequently, wars and greedy commercialism have caused conditions that led to birth defects.

    On the other hand, certain actions by a parent can increase the risk of birth defects. Some lead loose and immoral lives to the detriment of their unborn offspring. The baby can be deformed because the parents contract a venereal disease or are in an incestuous relationship. Also, parents may hurt their developing fetus by indulging in narcotics and tobacco.

    However, the basic cause of deformed children is the disobedience of the first couple, Adam and Eve. Their sin against God caused them to lose their perfection of mind and body and produce “defective” children. Each succeeding generation progressively drifted farther away from perfection. Therefore, even if there were no adverse technology, war, malnutrition or immoral behavior, there would still be deformed children by virtue of the fact that we are born of imperfect parents.

    What Can Be Done if It Happens?

    Depending on the type of deformity, often much can be done. Medical researchers are daily developing new techniques to help cure deformities or to make it easier to bear up with them. Mechanical arms and legs have enabled many born without such to have a more enjoyable life.

    There are institutions that are doing much to rehabilitate deformed children. Many child psychologists are proving that when specialized training is started early enough “infants of any intelligence level can develop and learn.” At times a parent may have no alternative but to have the child placed in an institution. Yet parental love is vital. “Love will do more than all the special training,” stated the father of a child born with mongolism.

    Many children who were born hopelessly crippled have been assisted and now, as adults, live productive lives. Even some women without arms have raised their own children. Despite their handicaps, they are glad to be alive.

    Will such children ever become sound? Yes, they will. Jesus demonstrated the “works of God” by healing a man born blind. This miracle by God’s power shows that God truly cares about the plight of those born deformed. These “works of God” will become even more manifest in the near future. God promises to remove this present selfish system and to bring in “new heavens and a new earth” wherein “righteousness is to dwell.”—2 Pet. 3:13; John 9:3.

    Just as Jesus, while on earth, healed blind eyes, deformed legs, a withered hand, so in the “new earth” eyes and ears closed from birth will be opened. Those with useless or missing limbs will joyfully regain their use! Every tear of sadness will pass away under the heavenly rule of Jesus. Even death will disappear!—Mark 3:1-5; Rev. 21:3, 4.

    This hope gives incentive to those who have deformed children. The mother of a 15-year-old retarded son who has been a deaf-mute from birth admitted: “There were times when my daughter and I felt like throwing up our hands and quitting, but knowing Jehovah God and realizing that in the future he will rid my son of this condition gave us something to look forward to. This is what kept us going.”

    Learn more from the Bible about this inspiring hope and how you and your family can enjoy it. Jehovah’s Witnesses will be glad to help you free of charge.

    [Box on page 10]


    “Before he was born I was very short tempered, but by caring for him I learned patience and kindness. This even helped me to be more considerate in dealing with other people.”—Mother of a 15-year-old deaf, speechless and retarded boy with skeletal deformities

    ‘We have often thought about the doctor who wanted permission to let her die. What a blessing our little girl has been to us! While limited in so many ways, a retarded child seems endowed with a superabundance of love.’—Father of a 10-year-old girl with mongolism

  • sf

    Okay, that is more like it.

    An elder even.

    Thank you. And yes. I am looking for much earlier material and documentation.

    I wonder though, and I will search myself, which Textbook of Medicine it is referring to. As is par that they use misrepresented material.

    So open, you don't recall anything much earlier? Plus, what do you THINK, not FEEL, about this portion contained therein?:

    However, the basic cause of deformed children is the disobedience of the first couple, Adam and Eve. Their sin against God causedthem to lose their perfection of mind and body and produce“defective” children. Each succeeding generation progressively drifted farther away from perfection. Therefore, even if there were no adverse technology, war, malnutrition or immoral behavior, there would still be deformed children by virtue of the fact that we are born of imperfect parents.


  • sf

    I simply cannot grasp how you active and double-lifed jws actually endorse and teach/ preach this crap.

    This article, and I can't wait to see what was being printed years earlier on this issue, is complete contradiction.

    LOL!! If "It" happens. I mean, come on Ted. Let's ANALize your brainwaves here, shall we brother...

    What Can Be Done if It Happens?

    Depending on the type of deformity, often much can be done. Medical researchers are daily developing new techniques to help cure deformities or to make it easier to bear up with them.[[ ah, always the martyrism, eh Ted?}} Mechanical arms and legs have enabled many born without such to have a more enjoyable life. {{according to you, there is nothing enjoyable about THIS LIFE HERE IN A WICKED WORLD}}

    There are institutions that are doing much to rehabilitate deformed children. Many child psychologists are proving that when specialized training is started early enough “infants of any intelligence level can develop and learn.” {{ are you serious?? "infants of intelligence level can also have all that they developed and learned...RAPED AWAY FROM THEM BY EVILDOERS TED. }}At times a parent may have no alternative but to have the child placed in an institution. Yet parental love is vital. “Love will do more than all the special training,” {{ he wasn't aware that WT Training trumps all other training}}stated the father of a child born with mongolism.

    Many children who were born hopelessly crippled have been assisted and now, as adults, live productive lives. Even some women without arms have raised their own children. Despite their handicaps, they are glad to be alive.

    Will such children ever become sound? Yes, they will. Jesus demonstrated the “works of God” by healing a man born blind. This miracle by God’s power shows that God truly cares about the plight of those born deformed. These “works of God” will become even more manifest in the near future. God promises to remove this present selfish system and to bring in “new heavens and a new earth” wherein “righteousness is to dwell.”—2 Pet. 3:13; John 9:3.

    Just as Jesus, while on earth, healed blind eyes, deformed legs, a withered hand, so in the “new earth” eyes and ears closed from birth will be opened. Those with useless or missing limbs will joyfully regain their use! Every tear of sadness will pass away under the heavenly rule of Jesus. Even death will disappear!—Mark 3:1-5; Rev. 21:3, 4.

    This hope gives incentive to those who have deformed children. The mother of a 15-year-old retarded son who has been a deaf-mute from birth admitted: “There were times when my daughter and I felt like throwing up our hands and quitting, but knowing Jehovah God and realizing that in the future he will rid my son of this condition gave us something to look forward to. This is what kept us going.”

    Learn more from the Bible about this inspiring hope and how you and your family can enjoy it. Jehovah’s Witnesses will be glad to help you free of charge.

  • sosad

    my older brother is special needs - we were always taught that in the new system he would be "fine" but they never pursued additional help or opportunities for him because the new system was coming. He is now in in mid 40s and lives with my aging parents which is a 'blessing" since his social assistance helps them in their retirement (they made no provisions for their financial security) because the new system was coming.

    An elder in our cong growing up was very clear that we could not expect the other Witness boys to associate with our special needs brother because he was not "normal" and that would have been too much to ask these "son's of elders"

    My Brother has recently started studying with my mom and has stopped celebrating his birthday, (it's today) and plans not to celebrate Xmas with us. he is afraid that Armageddon is coming and he will be destroyed.

    Unless the disabled is able to use their issues to further kingdom interests (AKA place magazines) they are of no use to the cong. that is unless a pioneer can study with them for some 'easy" time- how many of those studies did we all see?

  • Shawn10538

    I am currently working as a special education teacher for LAUSD. One thing I notice that the society does not do is they do not use people first language. This is one of the key principles of special education. In other words, instead of saying "the mother of a 15-yr old retarded son" putting his disability before his personhood, it is politically correct to say,' mother of a 15 yr old boy with retardation" emphasizing boy (a person) over his disability. We do not identify children with their disability, and This dignifies the children or adults and gives them their rightful place first and foremost, as humans.

    Another area where the society fails to use people first language is in their references to "disfellowshipped persons" (persons who are disfellowshippeed, or persons who have been disfellowshipped) or with apostates, (people who have apostasized or people who have committed apostasy). Of course the whole purpose of the Society's use of such terms is to DEHUMANIZE these people and deny them the dignity of being considered first and foremost, human beings. So, I don't see the society catching up with society in this matter. It goes against their main purpose to further alienate these people.

  • AnneB

    The first thing I noticed when I came into association was how few infirm and/or disabled there were at the Kingdom Hall. After a while it dawned on me that WT is a "healthy" person's organization; if you can't preach you can't be considered a member. That leaves out the unwell, the desabled (both physically and mentally), those going through any kind of hardship, etc. This was in the early 1970's.

    As far as literature on the topic, I remember an article in the early 1980's on when to pull the plug on a severely ill person. The reasoning was along the line of would they have a full life if they were to live, balancing the costs of care with other responsibilities. I was shocked that WT took such a cold view!

    In the mid- to late 1970's there was an article, I think in Awake!, about children with learning disabilities. I don't think it was an "experience" article, but there were short "experiences" in it. One mentioned discipline. When their child misbehaved the parents were counseled to use corporal punishment (spanking). The parent was quoted as saying the little mite got so many spankings before they realized it was due to a condition. I think the condition was Attention Deficit Disorder. I remember the article because I had a young son at the time who didn't fit the JW mold. The woman who was studying with me was all over me to beat him, to spank him for his disobedience and I wouldn't. I didn't see anything wrong with his behavior (and I still don't, looking back). Then I read that article and felt it was some sort of vindication although one had to claim disability as a reason.

    There have been a couple of life experience articles over the years (I stopped reading in the early 1990's for the most part) of families with disabled children. In many cases the families "put the children away", sent them to residential facilities and this was written with a sense of approval as it freed the family members for other "responsibilities". There was even the story of an elder in such a facility and about all the good he was able to accomplish even though the facility was so bad that it was eventually shut down by the state health officials.

    WT seems very big on medicating children with disabilities. Other than the "be sure to say hello to the people in wheelchairs" variety it always seemed to me that WT either wants a person healthy or doped into submission. The same holds true for women experiencing physical difficulties and people on overload,and lately even people deemed in danger of leaving the organization; get them on medication (even against their will) and threaten them with disfellowshipping if they refuse to cooperate. This has been the course even up to the present; I know of half a dozen cases in the last 5 years where the elders said meds or DF'd, not all in the same congregation, not even in the same state (USA).

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