Comments You Will Not Hear at the WT Study (10/8 Train Children)
by WT Comments 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Open mind
Could a global relief effort happen in any other time then "these last days"?
Mini-lightbulb moment for me. Thanks for that little gem. Tucking it away for future use.
Thanks for your weekly labor of love.
Open Mind
Thanks for your comments. It's neat that we can go back and review old articles.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
"In case a man happens to have a son who is stubborn and rebellious, he not listening to the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and they have corrected him but he will not listen to them, 19 his father and his mother must also take hold of him and bring him out to the older men of his city and to the gate of his place, 20 and they must say to the older men of his city, ‘This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious; he is not listening to our voice, being a glutton and a drunkard.’ 21 Then all the men of his city must pelt him with stones, and he must die. So you must clear away what is bad from your midst, and all Israel will hear and indeed become afraid.just wanted to add that. such great advice.
The Watchtower Society makes it look like apostate material stunts the mind. They urge children to reject it on sight, and that is what makes them closed-minded toward anything but Watchtower material.
Far from stunting the mind, apostate material helps one to take a balanced view of the Watchtower Society. It presents the actual truths that the Tower goes to great lengths to hide. No one is hounded to take the apostate view--people are hounded in the Tower to take the Tower viewpoint. The Tower makes death threats against those who are outside--apostates do not. Instead, apostates warn that those staying in the Tower will become stagnant (and that is in fact what happens to those who die there).
Fact is, when children are raised according to Tower guidelines, they are stunted. They are out in field circus at early ages (like 2). They have to sit still at boasting sessions that often run way past their bedtime. They cannot play with other children because they are worldly. They cannot celebrate anything or take part in any school trips or sports of any kind, because they are worldly. They are not allowed to select their own music and videos (they are all dirty). They cannot go to college or get any career outside pioneering. They take window- and carpet cleaning jobs to make a pittance so they can devote all their time to field circus. Now, if apostate literature could do this to children, I certainly haven't seen it in action doing this. And I have looked at numerous apostate Web sites plus Crisis of Conscience.
"JW children are an essential asset to the growth of the religion"
I like this !! And, yes is so true.
"But most kids don't stay JW. Check in next week to learn why."
Looking forward for next week ...
We are now living deep in the last days of this system.
This is wrong my dad says we are deep, deeeep in the last days!
children of Christian parents are taught fundamental Bible principles as well as the need to participate in the various aspects of true worship.
Children need to know that these requirements are nonnegotiable.HA !
children might soon learn to say only what they think the parents want to hear. Of course, disrespectful speech should be promptly corrected,
but there is a difference between teaching children how to communicate politely and dictating what they say.HA !
Bumping this because I think it deserves more attention (and because it must take a lot of time to prepare it).
Thank you for the hard work.
If jws weren't having children, there be hardly any increase based on the people I see lined up to be baptized at the conventions/assemblies. But how many remain jws after they reach their 20's. In this area only 1 out of 10 remain and main 1 comes back after getting married and having a child. Children are great at seeing hypocrisy in their family and other families. Do the ones that stay just learn to play the hypocrite, double life game?
Children need to know that these requirements are nonnegotiable.
Is this a message from the Governing Body to parents?
Another point. As a JW child, I saw the two faces of my parents: l"ove-bombers" at the hall, suddenly rather "un-Christain" right out of the parking lot. Is this why JW kids split, they see the hypocrisy every day?