Favorite All time Beatles Song- Please List

by flipper 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    O.K. I've been inspired by IP SEC here starting a thread on all time favorite Led Zeppelin songs. So I will give credit where credit is due, thanks, IP SEC !! So what was your favorite Beatles song of all time ? I will let this thread go till the end of next week or so and see what song gets mentioned the most , then we will add up all the votes and see what we have ! So be honest , the nation's national security might rest onyour decision ! Just joking ! I cast my personal vote for Eleanor Rigby as my all time favorite. Because of the introspective lyrics and cool depressing , sullen chords. So have at it folks! This thread is all yours ! Rip it apart and give me your takes. Look forward to hearing your responses

  • stillajwexelder

    Eleanor Rigby really takes some beating - however my personal favorite and is far too short Norwegian Wood

  • IP_SEC

    Im with stilla


  • prophecor
  • stillajwexelder

    Give peace a chhance is Lennon solo and not counted

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    While My Guitar Gently Weeps

  • gwyneth

    I wrote down the lyrics to this song, decorated it, and hung it on my door as a teenager--I felt it summed up my life perfectly.

    "Fixing a Hole"

  • tnangel73

    Uhm. I think I might have too many. Norwegian Wood. Sexy Sadie. She came in Through the Bathroom Window. Strawberry Fields. Day in the Life. Across the Universe. I used to put the Abby Road album on repeat in my cd player and go to sleep by it when I worked thirds. I sometimes sing Golden Slumbers to my son to get him to go to sleep. It works, too! Don't make me start a Pink Floyd thread.

  • mrsjones5

    Oh it's either Yellow Submarine or Eleanor Rigby...my parents had the 45 and we played it alot.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings Mr and Mrs Flipper,

    ))))))))))))) YESTERDAY ((((((((((((

    My information is dated, but I believe it was Bing Crosby who said that he considered it "the most" OR "one of the most" beautiful song[s] ever written. Arguably, of course, but worthy of consideration. In addition, it was likewise stated - years ago - that it was the most arranged song to date - over 70 arrangements.

    I love it so much that I teach it to my students!



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