O.K. I've been inspired by IP SEC here starting a thread on all time favorite Led Zeppelin songs. So I will give credit where credit is due, thanks, IP SEC !! So what was your favorite Beatles song of all time ? I will let this thread go till the end of next week or so and see what song gets mentioned the most , then we will add up all the votes and see what we have ! So be honest , the nation's national security might rest onyour decision ! Just joking ! I cast my personal vote for Eleanor Rigby as my all time favorite. Because of the introspective lyrics and cool depressing , sullen chords. So have at it folks! This thread is all yours ! Rip it apart and give me your takes. Look forward to hearing your responses
Favorite All time Beatles Song- Please List
by flipper 53 Replies latest jw friends
Eleanor Rigby really takes some beating - however my personal favorite and is far too short Norwegian Wood
Im with stilla
Give Peace a Chance
Give peace a chhance is Lennon solo and not counted
keyser soze
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
I wrote down the lyrics to this song, decorated it, and hung it on my door as a teenager--I felt it summed up my life perfectly.
"Fixing a Hole"
Uhm. I think I might have too many. Norwegian Wood. Sexy Sadie. She came in Through the Bathroom Window. Strawberry Fields. Day in the Life. Across the Universe. I used to put the Abby Road album on repeat in my cd player and go to sleep by it when I worked thirds. I sometimes sing Golden Slumbers to my son to get him to go to sleep. It works, too! Don't make me start a Pink Floyd thread.
Oh it's either Yellow Submarine or Eleanor Rigby...my parents had the 45 and we played it alot.
compound complex
Greetings Mr and Mrs Flipper,
))))))))))))) YESTERDAY ((((((((((((
My information is dated, but I believe it was Bing Crosby who said that he considered it "the most" OR "one of the most" beautiful song[s] ever written. Arguably, of course, but worthy of consideration. In addition, it was likewise stated - years ago - that it was the most arranged song to date - over 70 arrangements.
I love it so much that I teach it to my students!